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Position of Hands in Salah (Hanafi & Hanbali Madhab)

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Beautiful summation from Ahadeeth of Rasul-ullah ﷺ

  1. Men are instructed to place the right hand above the left hand below the Navel in the Hanafi Madhab
  2. Men are instructed to place the right hand above the left hand below the Navel in the Hanbali Madhab
  3. The wording of placing the hands "upon the Chest" does not mean on the actual chest (by the rib cage) as it is contrary to Khusho and Makrooh but it actually means "above the Navel" as explained by Shaykul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (RA)


Thus the 3 positions for placing the hands according to Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaah:

  • Placing the right hand over the left hand below the Navel
  • Placing the right hand over the left hand upon the Navel
  • Placing the right hand over the left hand above the Navel
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