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Achieving Everlasting Prosperity.

Abu Hafsat

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As-Salaam alaikum, 

In chapter 91, verses 7-10 of the Holy Qur'an, Surat Shams, we read it where Allah Ta'ala says:-

"By the soul, and that which proportioned it, and inspired its depravity and godwariness (its wrong and its right). 

Prosperous is he who purifies it, and failed has he who (corrupts) buries it." 

It is clear that the prosperity achieved through purifying the soul pertains to the next world. In relation to that prosperity, the prosperity of this world is (in the modern, secular understanding of being prosperous) is irrelevant. Those who fail to purify their souls and instead "bury" their souls will not be prosperous. Instead, they will be miserable when they reach the next world, whether or not they are prosperous here. 

We must, therefore, cultivate our souls by following God's instructions and achieve the everlasting wholeness and well-being of the self. Let us not be among those who bury their souls in ignorance and forgetfulness. 

Best Wishes. 

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