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95 - الْبَدِيعُ

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الْبَدِيعُ is similar to الْخَالِقُ and is translated as The Eternal Originator and the Absolute Cause and The One Who Originates.  He is the Originator of all things.


In the Qur’an

This name is mentioned twice in the Qur’an in Surah Baqarah and Surah An’aam. 


بَدِيعُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ ۖ وَإِذَا قَضَىٰ أَمْرًا فَإِنَّمَا يَقُولُ لَهُ كُنْ فَيَكُونُ


“The Originator of the heavens and the earth! When He decrees a thing, He says unto it only: Be! and it is.” [Surah Baqarah: 117]



It is The One Who creates without any example or model or raw materials and it is only Allah ta’ala Who can create in this manner. It is that Being Who manifests all types of strange and wondrous creations (all life forms).

الْبَدِيعُ is therefore more specific than الْخَالِقُ.

If a person was to create something it would still be based on what Allah ta’ala has originated. 


Allah ta’ala says in Surah Nahl (verse 66),


 وَإِنَّ لَكُمْ فِي الْأَنْعَامِ لَعِبْرَةً ۖ نُسْقِيكُمْ مِمَّا فِي بُطُونِهِ مِنْ بَيْنِ فَرْثٍ وَدَمٍ لَبَنًا خَالِصًا سَائِغًا لِلشَّارِبِينَ


“Surely there is a lesson for you in cattle. We give you to drink of what is in their bellies, between bowels and blood - pure milk - pleasant for those who drink it.”


The milk does not get polluted and there is no machine keeping it separate from the filth. The birds in the sky do not lose their way and dolphins have their own radar system. There are countless more examples.



Looking at His creation we should know that Allah ta’ala is الْبَدِيعُ
Reflect on it and praise and glorify Him. Being in awe of the creation of Allah ta’ala is a natural way to connect to Him. Therefore find ways to be in awe. Look at the ocean life, animal life, the universe and reflect. 


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