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The Doors Of Paradise.

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As-Salaam alaikum, 

According to Sayyadi Muhiyiddin Ibn Arabi, may Allah be pleased with him, Paradise has 8 doors which relate to the number of the human organs : the eye, the ear, the tongue, the hand, the stomach, the genitals, the leg and the heart. 

Therefore, those who use their organs according to the Law of God shall enter through the corresponding door of Paradise, and they may even enter through all the 8 doors simultaneously if they have used all the 8 of their organs accordingly. 

On the other hand, Hell has 7 doors, which also relate to the human organs, excluding the heart, since Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, does not condemn anybody for what they have in their hearts in so far as they do not use it against the Law. Allah says to His angels:

'Whenever My Servant intends to do an evil act, do not record it against him, unless he actually does it, then mark it down as one evil act. And when he intends to do good but does not manage to do so then record it as one act of goodness, but if he does succeed, then write it down as ten good actions.' (Muslim, Kitab al-Imaan, No. 0233)

In order to follow the Law of God, however, one has to have faith in Him. Faith, according to one well-known Hadith, is divided into 79 levels, the least of which is the removal of malevolent actions out of the path of others, and the greatest of which is (believing in and/or recital of) 'La ilaha illallahu)... there is no god but Allah, and between these 2 points are all the good deeds and decent qualities and morals. 

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