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.. About The Heart.

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As-Salaam alaikum, 

One day Sultan Mahmud al-Ghazali visited Abu'l - Hasan and asked his opinion of Abu Yazid al-Bistami. He said, "Whoever follows Abu Yazid is going to be guided. And whoever saw him and felt love towards him in his heart will reach a happy ending". 

At that, Sultan Mahmud said, "How is that possible, when Abu Jahl saw the Prophet and he was unable to reach a happy ending but rather ended up in misery?" 

He answered, "It is because Abu Jahl did not see the Prophet but he saw Muhammad bin Abdullah. And if he saw the Messenger of Allah, he would have been taken out of misery into happiness. As Allah Ta'ala said, " You see them looking at you but without clear vision" (7:198)...adding that "vision with the eyes of the head doesn't bring happiness, but the vision with the eyes of the heart and the secret that Allah gives to the soul will bring out that happiness." 

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