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Knowing About Our Creator.

Abu Hafsat

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As-Salaam alaikum, 

Sayyadi Abdulkadir Jilani, Rahimahullah, advised us keep our heart (always) in such a position that it is always remembering Allah... To make Zikr in your heart, to read the Holy Qur'an and Holy Hadith, to remember Allah's Name, to visit the sick or homeless is all Zikrullah... any good 'amal is Zikrullah. 

The more you engage in Zikr, the more Allah Ta'ala opens the means for you to know about Him... not to actually know Allah, but to know about Him. 

Through the Name "ALLAH", you/we know the descriptions of the Ninety - Nine Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah. What is behind that Name no one knows. All we know is that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, described one of His Names, the main Name, 'Allah, through the 99 Beautiful Names and Attributes and many others, but more than that no one knows. 

Allah said:-

 "Qul huwa Allahu Ahad.. Say: He is Allah, the Unique One" (112:1)

"Huwa" is the complete unknown, no one knows the Reality of the Essence of what Allah describes, only Allah knows. 

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