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On The Value Of Salaat

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As-Salaam alaikum, 

The Salaat or Salaah... the 5 daily prayers is the second of the known 5 pillars upon which Islam is built. Prayer (Salaah) is the place for the slave (abd) to confide (munajah) in his Lord, by reciting His words and praising Him. 

It is the element of cordiality where he totally and completely faces and directs himself towards the Lord. As much as you approach Allah Ta'ala during the prayer(s), He approaches you. This results, if performed to perfection, in expanding the fields of secrets, or expanding the hearts by the shining of lights so that they delight in the arrival of knowledge. 

Observing the prayer with full attention results in one being submissive to his Lord... The Lord Almighty says in His guarded Book "So woe to them who pray, those who are heedless of their prayers" (107:4-5).

He knew your weakness, so He decreased their numbers by decreasing the initial 50 to only 5, and He knew your need for His Grace and generosity, so He increased their rewards, and made them 5 to actually perform but 50 in reward. So magnify and praise Him for what He graced, and thank Him for what He bestowed and granted. 

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