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O Youth, Be Among Any Of This..

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As-Salaam alaikum, 

We must try to know Allah, our Lord and Creator, before we try to worship Him. Our youth, and in fact, all of us, must strive to be in one of 3 categories of people :-

(1) An aleem - a person with knowledge or

(2) One who seeks knowledge (a student) or

(3) One who listens. 

Do not be one who has no knowledge, and neither studies nor listens. By all means, go attend majlis ilm. 

Worship and do good deeds once you have attained knowledge of Allah Ta'ala. And when you do your Ibadah, be sure to perform it with Ikhlas (sincetity). Any act of worship that is devoid of sincerity is akin to a body without ruh (spirit). It becomes worthless, as Allah will not accept it or reward it. Sheikh ibn Ata'illah as-Sankandari said : "Your amal has ruh only when there is Ikhlas in it". The Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, in a Hadith-Qudsi reported that Allah says Sincerity is one secret of His secrets. Allah keeps the secret of Ikhlas in the hearts of His chosen Servants. 

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