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Excellence Of Knowledge and Teaching.

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As-Salaam alaikum, 

The Noble Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said : "When Allah desires good for someone, He gives him understanding of the Deen" (Bukhari and Muslim)

He also said : "Allah makes the way to the Garden (Jannah) easy for whoever treads a path in search of knowledge" (Muslim).

Travelling on the path of/to knowledge refers both to walking along an actual pathway, such as going on foot to assemblies of the Ulama or following a metaphysical road, like studying and/or memorizing. Knowledge is a short path to Allah.. Whoever travels the road of knowledge reaches Allah and Jannah by the shortest route. Knowledge also clears the way out of darkness, ignorance, doubt and skepticism. That is why Allah called His Book, "Light". 

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