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Sha’ban - A Month for Rehearsal


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The sighting of the Crescent of Sha’ban signals the good news of Ramadan’s imminent arrival. A believer grows in anticipation with the passing of each day. Days like these, are what a believer ‘lives for’.
A Month for Rehearsal
In addition to it being the most virtuous month - outside Ramadan - to fast, another reason for Nabi (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) increasing his optional fast in Sha’ban was to prepare for Ramadan as well as to respectfully welcome Ramadan. (Lataiful Ma’arif, pg. 258)
The Sahabah (radiyallahu ’anhum) and Tabi’un (rahimahumullah) would also engage in what we would understand as ‘spiritual preparation’ for Ramadan.
Sayyiduna Anas (radiyallahu ’anhu) says: ‘When Sha’ban would commence, the Muslims (Sahabah and Tabi’un) would dedicate themselves to the recital of the Quran.’ (Lataiful Ma’arif, pg.258)
Hafiz Ibn Rajab Al-Hambaly (rahimahullah) writes: ‘Since Sha’ban is a prelude to Ramadan, Islam encourages certain deeds in this month that are usually done in Ramadan like fasting and Quran recital. This prepares the soul to welcome Ramadan, with open arms.’ (Lataiful Ma’arif, pg.258)
Another form of preparation
In addition to the above deeds and their like, there is another form of preparation that is absolutely essential. That is to settle our disputes and cleanse the hearts from jealousy, rancour and I’ll-feelings.
A Hadith in Sahih Ibn Hibban, mentions of four people that will be deprived on auspicious nights:
a) An alcoholic
b) One who disobeys his parents
c) One who severs family ties
d) One who harbours ill-feelings in his heart for others
People who hold onto old grudges, and do not settle their disputes, nor cleanse their hearts are usually deprived on Allah’s mercy, even on blessed occasions. Therefore it is imperative for a believer, as part of his preparation for Ramadan, to sort out such issues ahead of time.
15th of Sha’ban (Laylatul Bara’ah)
The beginning of Sha’ban is a time for us to reset our minds hearts and routines for Ramadan. Barely two weeks into the month, will bring the occasion of the fifteenth night of Sha’ban. This night is labelled as the second most auspicious night of the year, by some Scholars. (Lataiful Ma’arif, pg. 264)
Allah Ta’ala, through His wisdom granted the Ummah this auspicious night as a prelude to Ramadan. On that night too, those who harbour ill-feelings are deprived of Allah’s Mercy and Forgiveness.
Therefore, one should understand that today is an ideal time to reflect on the above and to make efforts to implement them too. Let’s increase our nafl ‘ibadah from today, so that when Ramadan does arrive, we are well rehearsed and ready to maximise our benefit therefrom. May Allah Ta’ala guide and inspire us all. Ameen.
Laylatul Bara’ah will be after Maghrib on Tuesday night, 7th March in South Africa.
Source: Al-Miftah

Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians

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