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Purity & Salaah for Muslim Patients


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(An Essential Hospital Guide)
Being admitted to hospital, particularly for those undergoing surgical procedures, can be a challenging experience. Muslim patients may erroneously assume that being in hospital absolves them from performing Salaah. This may be due to ignorance of the Islamic aspects of Purity and Salaah as well as the various relaxations that Islam affords to the patient.
The attached booklet seeks to explain the most convenient manner in which the obligation of Salaah can be fulfilled and is written with the hospitalised patient in the mind. It is meant to be simple to understand yet comprehensive in its reach.
The book covers the central concepts of Fiqh, pre-admission advice as well as specific health conditions and common surgical procedures. It provides general guidelines that are applicable to most patients on aspects that would enable them to be not only regular in their Salaah but comfortable in its practice.
We make Du’aa that Allah Ta'ala accepts this contribution solely for His pleasure and uses it as a means to enable Muslim patients to uphold and fulfil the cardinal pillar of Salaah, Ameen.
The e-book can be downloaded here.
Was Salaam 
Mufti Moosa Salie
Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) - Fatwa Department

Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians



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