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Man's Limbs Subservience.

Abu Hafsat

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As-Salaam alaikum,

  Man's limbs are subservient to his tongue. On this, the Noble Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, mentioned that:--

           "Every morning the limbs in one's body plead to the tongue, 'O servant of Allah! 

             Fear Allah for our sake, for we are with you. If you are straight, then we will also

           be straight and if you are crooked then we will also be crooked."  (Mishkaat Shareef, pg. 413 vol.2 with reference to Tirmidhi).

Negligence of the Tongue is dangerous. The Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said:--

        "At times man utters a statement that invites the wrath of Allah Ta'ala without him

         even realising it and this will eventually be a cause for him being placed in the very depth 

       of Jahannum."  (Mishkaat Shareef, vol. 2 pg. 411 with reference to Bukhari).

From these 2 ahadeeth, we learn that safeguarding the tongue is of extreme importance. Not paying heed to the manner of its usage is a cause of great loss. We must take note accordingly.

Best Regards.

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