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56 - الْحَمِيدُ

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الْحَمِيدُ is translated as The Praised One and The laudable.



This word comes from حمد meaning praise. It is that Being Who has made mandatory for all creation to praise Him. Human beings do so voluntarily and all other forms of creation does Tasbeeh of Allah ta’ala. He is deserving of praise for all His countless bounties upon all the creation all the time, seen and unseen. Allah ta’ala mentions in the Qur’an that if you wanted to count the Ni’mat of Allah ta’ala, you cannot do so. 


Allah ta’ala is Hameed in terms of His praise. He is praiseworthy in His Dhaat, His Sifaat and all His actions. When we praise someone for whatever reason, then that in reality is actually a praise of Allah ta’ala. 


In the Qur’an

It is mentioned 16 times in the Qur’an;

10 times with الْغَنِيُّ 

 وَاللَّهُ هُوَ الْغَنِيُّ الْحَمِيدُ  - and it is Allah Who is Free of all wants, Worthy of all praise [35:15]


3 times with الْعَزِيزُ
Once with الْحَكِيمُ
Once with الْعَلِيُّ
Once with الْمَجِيدُ


Praise of Allah ta’ala 

There is a lot of praise in the Du’a of the Ambiyaa AS and the pious people. It is mentioned in Hadith that the best of the servants of Allah ta’ala will be those who praised Him abundantly.


When Allah ta’ala grants a person any Ni’mah and the person says, “Alhamdulillah,” then the Tawfeeq to do Hamd of Allah ta’ala is better than the Ni’mat one received. The Ni’mat, no matter how great or small, will one day end i.e. chocolates will be eaten, jewellery will get old or broken etc. but the reward for the Hamd which was done upon receiving the Ni’mat will never end. Anything one connects to Allah ta’ala becomes Baaqee (Eternal). Therefore when we get the Tawfeeq to say Alhamdulillah then say Alhamdulillah for that Tawfeeq as it is Allah ta’ala Who is putting in our hearts to say Alhamdulillah! We should say Alhamdulillah with deep sincere feelings and not be desensitized. 


The merits of Hamd are mentioned in many places of the Qur’an and in Hadith. Many Masnoon Du’a have words of praise in them as does Surah Faatihah which we recite in every Rakat of every Salaah. 


Angels rushing 

It was narrated that Rifa’ah bin Rafi RA said,

“We were praying behind the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam  one day and when he raised his head from bowing he said, ‘Sami Allahu liman hamidah (Allah hears the one who praises Him).’ A man behind him said,

رَبَّنَا وَلَكَ الْحَمْدُ حَمْدًا كَثِيرًا طَيِّبًا مُبَارَكًا فِيهِ  - Rabbana wa lakal-hamd, hamdan kathiran tayyiban mubarakan feeh. (O our Lord, and to You be praise, much blessed and pure praise.)’ When the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam had finished, he said, ‘Who is the one who spoke just now?’ The man said, ‘I did, O Messenger of Allah.’ The Messenger of Allah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam said: ‘I saw thirty-some angels rushing to see which of them would write it down first.’” [Nasai]

“House of Praise”

It was narrated that Abu Sinaan said, “I buried my son Sinaan and Abu Talhah al-Khoolaani was sitting at the graveside. When I wanted to go out he took my hand and said, ‘Shall I not give you some glad tidings, O Abu Sinaan?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said that the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam said, ‘When a person’s child dies, Allah says to His angels, ‘You have taken the child of My slave.’ They say, ‘Yes.’ He says, ‘You have taken the apple of his eye.’ They say, ‘Yes.’ He says, ‘What did My slave say?’ They say, ‘He praised you and said “Innaa lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raaji’oon (Verily to Allah we belong and unto Him is our return).’ Allah says, ‘Build for My slave a house in Paradise and call it the house of praise.’” (Tirmidhi)


There is immense reward in praising Allah ta’ala when the heart is broken. We should praise Allah ta’ala in all states whether of ease or difficulty. 



Praise Allah ta’ala with the tongue and in the heart. Thank people. 


It is mentioned in Hadith that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam said, “He who does not thank the people is not thankful to Allah.” [Abu Daawood]



Difference between Hamd & Shukr 

These two words are similar however there is a difference in meaning. Shukr can be sincere or insincere or the person being thanked may not be deserving of it while Hamd is praising that Being Who deserves being praised. Allah ta’ala is الْحَمِيدُ  and deserves all praise. 


In a difficult or testing situation it is hard to see why one should praise Allah ta’ala however when one reflects, one will always find something to praise Allah ta’ala for. It could be that the situation could have been much worse and that is something to be thankful for. To remain always praising Allah ta’ala even in situations where a person feels like complaining and not praising Allah ta’ala, keeps a person positive. 


The more one praises Allah ta’ala and does Shukr to Allah ta’ala, the more He increases the bounties. Allah ta’ala says in the Qur’an, 


 لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ – “If you are grateful [to Me], I shall most certainly give you more and more” 
[Surah Ibraheem: 7]


Therefore we should praise Allah ta’ala for the Imaan and Deen He has bestowed upon us and for the Tawfeeq for doing good deeds and Allah ta’ala will increase these bounties. 



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