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Salat of a Woman in Shafi'i Fiqh


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Is there any difference in salat of a man or woman in Shafi'i fiqh?



wa ʿalaikum al-salām wa raḥmatullāhi wa barakātuh

As far as the integrals and conditions of the ṣalāt are concerned, there is no difference between men and women; the differences are in the following recommended acts:

1-In rukūʿ and in sujūd, it is recommended for men to distance their stomachs from their thighs and their elbows from their sides, whereas it is recommended for women to keep their stomachs as close as possible to their thighs and their elbows as close as possible to their sides.

2-In qiyām, it is recommended for men to keep their feet a hand-span (~9 inches) apart from, whereas it is recommended for women to keep their feet together.

3-It is recommended for women to lower their voices when praying in the presence of non-maḥram men.

4-When praying in a congregation and the imam makes a mistake, it is recommended for women to clap by hitting the outer part of the left hand with the palm of the right hand, even in an all-female congregation, whereas it is recommended for the men to say 'subḥān Allah!'.

5-In an all-female congregation, it is recommended for the female imam to stand in the center of the first row, and move up slightly ahead of the rest of the row, whereas it is recommended for the male imam to stand completely ahead of the first row.

Allah knows best.

Reference: Ḥāshiyat al-Bājūri 1/330

Answered by Shaykh Omar Mohsin


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