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Q/A's regarding Qadianism


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Collection of Q/A's regarding Qadianism


Below are just some of the topics collected from authentic darul ifta sites....



Who are the Qadianiyyah/Ahmadiyyah & are they Muslim?


Marriage with Qadianis


Eating and staying at the home of Qadianis & Conversing with them


Can we pray salaah behind a Qadiani Imam?

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Who are the Qadianis?


The Qadiyaniyya/Ahmadiyya are a deviant religious movement who claim to be Muslims. It was founded in India near the end of the 19th century and originated with the life and teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani. He claimed that Rasūlullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam was not the last messenger because of which he claimed prophet hood.[1] The adherents of the Qadiyaniyya/Ahmadiyya movement are referred to as Qadiyanis or Ahmadis. They are divided into two groups: those who believe that he was a prophet and those who believe that he was only a reformist and saintly figure.


Mirza Ghulam held many corrupt beliefs, such as


  • He claimed he was a prophet
  • He claimed that his prophet hood was prophesized in the previous divine scriptures
  • He would disparage the Ambiyā’
  • He asserted that his “miracles” were greater than that of Nūh ‘Alaihissalām.[2]


Qadiyanies/Ahmadies are simply not Muslims.[3]


And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Muntasir Zaman

Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,

Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


[1]  فتاوي محموديه مكتبه محموديه- ت مفتي فاروق 4/89

[2]   المرجع السابق – 4/93

[3]  المرجع السابق – 4/109




What does Qadiani mean?



Qadiani is a person belonging to the Qadiani faith. They are a group who claim to be Muslim, but have been classified as kaafir by the Ulama of the Ahlus sunnah wal Jamaah. They claim that their leader Goolam Ahmed Qadian was a prophet.


Murtad means a renegade ie. one who professed Islam at one stage thereafter turned apostate and left Islam.


and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai


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Informing others regarding Qadianis



How should we act toward the Ahmadis or (Qadianis)people who are in Pakistan also , and they belive that Imam mehdi(A) has come to the world ,so I wanted to know how to treat these people ? now that the government in Afghanistan is a western backed ,I noticed these people also trying to come for their tabligh to Afghanistan and the dificulty is that these people act like muslims and they try to spread in Afghanistan too ,so how could we take steps towards them and I want you to please inform as many muslims as possible about these people and that they could go to Afghanistan , to take every step to stop them 2 how to treat christians who do taligh . may Allah give you the reward wasalaam


Qadianis are not Muslims.


It is incumbent upon every individual to inform his associates about Qadianis and every possible effort should be made to protect and safeguard innocent people from the net of Qadianis.


and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai


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If a Qadiani claims to be a Muslim



Usually Qadianis are liers and always pose to be muslims, therefore it cant be simply believed on his just saying that he has become muslim. On the other hand if some Qadiani has really become muslim, then he should be treated like a muslim brother. And if he is not treated like a muslim brother that is also injustice.Therefore some way of verification must have been found out by the Ullema Kiram.I really need help in this regard.



If a Qadiani claims to be a Muslim, then you should ask him about his beliefs regarding Mirza Ghulaam Ahmed Qadiani.


If he does not accept him as a prophet, Mahdi or a reformer and he also believes that Rasoolullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is the seal of prophethood, then you should accept him to be a Muslim. As you are residing in Pakistan, for further information and consultation, please refer to the Khatme Nubuwwat offices in your country.

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best


Mufti Muhammad Ashraf




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Takfīr of a person who assists in spreading Kufr



A salam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu

Dear Mufti,


Bismillah, in my city there is a couple (husband and wife),the wife is openly Qadiani and in her house she have 2 big boxes full of Qadianis propaganda books. One day the man invited me, saying to me I have a Quran translated in Italian version to give you, and some books. When I went to his shop he introduced me to his wife, and she was had a “Quran translation” by Qadianis Ahmadya. They initially thought I don’t know about this evil sect, but I immediately told her and her husband that Qadyanis are an heretic movement, and to beware of them. They then took me to their house and I saw 2 boxes full of Qadiani books. The woman gave me 2 books. When she went out the husband realised that I’m very strongly against this cult and I said to him again, “Be careful, Ahmadya are not Muslims they are heretics.” he told me “I’m not Shiite, I’m not Ahmady; I’m Sunni. I just see all books. Like we read the bible why can’t we look at the Ahmadya books, although I’m sunni?”


So dear mufti, I got the impression that he did “taqiyyah” by saying that he is a Sunni, after he noticed that I got upset when I saw they have Qadiany books. And if he helps spreading kufr material, by calling people for taking these books and have them in his house in a large quantity, does this not put him out of Islam?


jazakallah khairan dear mufti


Wa’alaykum as Salām wa raḥmatullahi wa barakātuh,


Since the brother said he is a Sunnī, we will treat him as such and leave the reality to Allāh Ta’ālā. We are commanded to judge according to the apparent. Thus, we will treat him as a Muslim and not as a Qādianī (who are out of the fold of Islām).


There is no doubt that the action of spreading disbelief results in disbelief. However, as for this person himself, we cannot pass the verdict of kufr upon him unless we question him further. There is a principle that in worldly laws we will look for every possible excuse to consider a person a Muslim. Thus, it is mentioned in the books of fiqh that if a person has seventy qualities which render him out of the fold of Islām, and only one quality –even if it is weak- which indicates that he is a Muslim, we will consider him a Muslim.

In order to pass a judgment on this person, we will first have to question him. Perhaps he has some valid excuse, i.e. he may not know what the books contain etc. In that case we cannot regard him as a disbeliever.


بل قالوا لو وجد سبعون رواية متفقة على تكفير المؤمن ورواية ولو ضعيفة بعدمه يأخذ المفتي حاشية ابن عابدين – 1 / 8

And Allaah Ta’aala knows best


Ismail Moosa (Mufti)

Iftaa Department,

Euro-Sunni & Islamic Research and Welfare Academy


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Marriage with Qadianis



Marriage to a girl whose family members are Qadiani
Assalamwalaikum Mufti Saheb, Is permissible to marry a girl into a family where the boys grandfather and great grandfather were definitely qadiani. The boys father was born in qadiani family but he says that they are now sunni muslims.


(Fatwa: 246/229/B=1432)

If the girl follows the maslak of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama’ah and regards the beliefs of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani as null and contradicting to Islam, then nikah with such girl is valid. It does not matter if her grandfather and great-grandfather were Qadianis.


Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband






Intending marriage with a Qadiani girl



i love a girl who is qaidiani , i want to marry with her, but if she converts to islam. But confusion is this that , i have with her for almost one year, i havent seen any difference in her dogma , she recitess Quran , she offers namaz , she knows about masails of islam .

im confused in this situation.

but im very serious about her , and want her to convert to islam in any case.


please help me





Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah’s guidance)


There is scholarly consensus (Ijma`) that Qadiyanis or Ahmadiis are not Muslims. Therefore, marriages with them is not permissible.

If however, you want to marry a Qadiyani you must first endervour to correct her beliefs and bring her in line with the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa teachings and then marriage with her will be permissible.


Also, The concept of ‘seeing a girl’ before marriage and to have feelings for her inside your heart is something totally condemned by Allah Ta’ala. You must repent at once.


Allaah Ta’ala says,

“Say: ‘O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins! Despair not of the mercy of Allaah; verily, Allaah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful’. [39:53].


And Only Allah Ta’ala Knows Best.

Moulana Qamruz Zaman
London, UK



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Marriage Performed by Qadiani Imam


Q: Is a nikah (marriage) conducted by an Ahmadi (Qadiani) imam valid? If a Sunni man marries a daughter of a Qadiani who is not a Qadiani herself, and the wife’s father insisted that the nikah be conducted by a Qadiani imam, would that nikah be valid even if the husband and wife are not Qadianis?

A. Even if the boy and girl are not Qadiyanis, a Nikah performed by a Qadiyani Imam is not valid. The Nikah should be re-performed by a Sunni Imam.

Moulana Yusuf Laher

Checked by: Mufti Siraj Desai


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Can a muslim eat and stay for a night or two at Qadiani colleague’s house?



Qadianis are not Muslims. The ruling of staying with a Qadiani at his home is the same as staying with a non-Muslim. If there is no genuine need to stay by the Qadiani colleague, then a Muslim should not do so. If there is a need and there is no alternative then the Muslim will be excused. The Muslim should exercise precaution when eating with non-Muslims as the food my be haraam or contaminated. He/She may eat vegetable meals that is not contaminated with any impure ingredients.


The opportunity may be embraced to explain the Qadiani the correct Islamic belief with wisdom.


and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai



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Conversing With Qadiyanis



Assalaamu ‘Alaykum

I always understood Qadiyanis to be like non-Muslims and therefore I would treat them just as the kuffar including my views that doing business with them and talking with them is permissable. However, I was recently told that it is not permissable to talk to Qadiyanis. I took this to be just another misconception but in order to clear my understanding can you please tell me whether it is true, that we are or aren’t allowed to talk to Qadiyanis? Jazakumullaah



In the name of Allah (swt) the All knowing


We are allowed to talk to Qadiyanis (also known as Ahmadis) the same way we are allowed to talk to other non-believers. Our communication in speech will be the same for them as for other non-believers. I.e. not go greet them with Salam etc. (Fatawa Mamodiyaah Vol 10 and Vol 16)


And Allah knows best

2 September 2005

Mufti Abubakr Karolia

Batley, U.K

Founder of the “Islamic Foundation for Theology and Research” (I.F.T.A.R)



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Who are the Ahmadiyyah and can we pray behind them?



Are Ahmadi Muslims from alul sunnah wal jamah? Please respected ulama can you explain me what there beliefs are and can we pray salah behind them?? 


In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.


The Qadiyaniyya/Ahmadiyya are a deviant religious movement who claim to be Muslims. It was founded in India near the end of the 19th century and originated with the life and teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiyani. He claimed that Rasūlullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam was not the last messenger because of which he claimed prophet hood.[1] The adherents of the Qadiyaniyya/Ahmadiyya movement are referred to as Qadiyanis or Ahmadis. They are divided into two groups: those who believe that he was a prophet and those who believe that he was only a reformist and saintly figure.


Mirza Ghulam held many corrupt beliefs, such as


  • He claimed he was a prophet
  • He claimed that his prophet hood was prophesized in the previous divine scriptures
  • He would disparage the Ambiyā’
  • He asserted that his “miracles” were greater than that of Nūh ‘Alaihissalām.[2]


Qadiyanies/Ahmadies are simply not Muslims.[3]



And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Muntasir Zaman

Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,

Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


[1]  فتاوي محموديه مكتبه محموديه- ت مفتي فاروق 4/89

[2]   المرجع السابق – 4/93

[3]  المرجع السابق – 4/109

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