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Exposure of a female's hair in Salaah


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Exposure of a female's hair in Salaah


Question and Answer:
Q.Growing up I was taught that not a single strand of a women's hair must be showing in salah.However mistakes do occur and our burkas sometimes move...
So on reading up on it, I found that if only a quarter or more of the parts of body that need to be covered become exposed, then only should the salah be repeated. Does this apply to women's hair as well? Is it then that if a quarter or more of the HEAD becomes exposed the salah will have to be repeated? Or is it if a quarter or more of a SINGLE STRAND become exposed, the salah will have to be repeated?
(Question published as received)
A. As far as possible, a female should ensure that every strand of her hair is concealed in Salaah as her hair is Aurah (required to be concealed).
The hair on the head itself is considered separately and the hair that hangs from the head is considered separately. The exposure of a quarter of these portions respectively, (not just a single strand) will result in the Salaah being invalid if the exposure was for the duration of three Tasbeehs. (Raddul Muhtar, Vol: 2, Pg: 82)
Thus, if a few strands of hair become exposed unintentionally, the Salaah will not become invalid. Only, if a quarter of the hair on her head or a quarter of the hair that hangs from her head becomes exposed, for the duration of three Tasbeehs, will the Salaah be invalid. (al-Binayah, Vol: 2, Pg: 129)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Suhail Tarmahomed
Mufti Moosa Salie
Fatwa Department

Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) 

Council of Muslim Theologians
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The limbs within the ‘awrah for females are as follows:


1)    The whole reproductive organ

2)    The anus

3)    Each buttock is an individual limb

4)    Each thigh with the knee is an individual limb

5)    From the navel to the pubic area and the area parallel to this from the sides and back.

6)    Each calf with the ankle is an individual limb

7)    Each breast is an individual limb

8 )   Each ear in an individual limb

9) Each upper arm with the elbow is an individual limb

10) Each forearm with the wrist is an individual limb

11) The hair

12) The head

13) The neck

14) Each shoulder is an individual limb[6]



Taken from here


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