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Praise - Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel (Rahmatullahi 'alayh)

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Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
It is mentioned in the Hadeeth that praise increases the Imaan of the true Believer. The person who is a kaamil[1] Mu`min understands that everything is a gift from Allah Ta’ala. Allah Ta’ala conceals sins and weaknesses and puts into the heart ‘Husne zan’ (good opinion).
In fact this husne zan or thana-e-khalq[2] is one of the commentaries of the Masnoon Dua ‘Hasana fid dunya’[3].
However what needs to be understood is that the person who is ‘Qaabil’ – efficient and hard-working is not necessarily maqbool (accepted).
Maulana Sayyid Sulayman Nadwi (Rahmatullah ‘Alaih) used to say :
‘Whether we live like this
Or whether we live like that,
What is left to be seen
Is how our stay there will be
(i.e. the Hereafter).’
So when someone praises us, we must not allow that to inflate our egos. Let it inflate our Imaan.Look at Allah Ta’ala’s Sifat of Sattaar (The One who conceals). Recognize the greatness of His Mercy, that He conceals our many, many weaknesses and sins. This will increase our Imaan and love for Allah Ta’ala because we see how loving, kind and tolerant Allah Ta’ala is.
The nature of man is such, that he picks up weaknesses of people to broadcast it. People search for weaknesses in others and hasten to broadcast, circulate and publish. Newspapers, radio stations clamour to broadcast the failings of others. They want the rights to publish. Look at Allah Ta’ala - He conceals. SubhanAllah.
When praised, we should thus make Dua, “O Allah, this good opinion of these people, make me like that, even better than their opinion.”


[1] Kaamil :  perfect
[2] Thana-e-Khalq : Praise of creation.
[3] ‘Hasana fid Dunya’ : The best of this world.


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