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  On 9/12/2014 at 3:14 PM, Haya said:



This fatwa seems to suggest as if it's okay to uncover the face?




These words:


" However, along with this, an

allowance has been given in the Holy

Quran for a woman to leave her face

and hands up to the wrists




i have lack of knowledge regarding this but isnt it okay for women to uncover her face??

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  On 9/12/2014 at 8:17 PM, ummitaalib said:

As far as i know it is so according to all madhaahib....will look into it inshaAllah and post



See this fatwa also saying that niqab isn't necessary and that's the view of four Imams. Strange.




Fatwa that I posted from Islamqa website, in my previous post, is from the same mufti. Strangely on SF it's mentioned that he's a deobundi. Is this only this mufi's fatwa? What's the majority's opinion?


Plus I've read that the salaf who said that niqab is necessary also said that "She may only show one eye", Abdullah Ibn Abbas practically demonstrated it. Do you know any thing more about this? Though I know our madhhab allow showing both eyes.



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  On 9/13/2014 at 3:38 AM, Haya said:



See this fatwa also saying that niqab isn't necessary and that's the view of four Imams. Strange.




Fatwa that I posted from Islamqa website, in my previous post, is from the same mufti. Strangely on SF it's mentioned that he's a deobundi. Is this only this mufi's fatwa? What's the majority's opinion?


Plus I've read that the salaf who said that niqab is necessary also said that "She may only show one eye", Abdullah Ibn Abbas practically demonstrated it. Do you know any thing more about this? Though I know our madhhab allow showing both eyes.




I think that we should ask other muftis too. We cant only take one fatwa. Lets see wht the majority of them would say.

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Assalaamu 'alaykum sisters


in depth reply regarding the stance of the scholars of the madhaahib and the proofs from the Qur'an & hadith  HERE


Here there is more explanation on the position of all the madhaahib regarding when a woman can show her face


It is important to remember that the when the laws of Hijab were revealed every believing woman covered herself totally with whatever was available...and who were these women and who were they covering from?


They were the best of people from the best of times...they were the sahaabiyaat and the ummahaatul mu'mineen who covered from the sahaba radhiyallaahu 'anhum!


So who are we? the worst of men and women in the worst of times!


Where the mufti sahib's reply is concerned....the majority of the ulama in the hanafi madahab regard the niqab as wajib. For a possible explanation see the following



Mufti Muhammad says here:


It must be remarked here that there is a difference between Awra and Niqab or Hijab. Due to the failure of distinguishing between the two, many people become victims of misinterpreting Islamic law in one way or another.


The face according to the scholars is not part of the Awra, yet, as we have seen in the text of Imam al-Tumurtashi, it will be necessary to cover it due to the fear of temptation and incitement. Ibn Abidin states: “(A young woman will be prevented from exposing her face), not because it is part of Awra, rather (for the fear of temptation)”. (Radd al-Muhtar, 1/406)


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  On 9/13/2014 at 12:28 PM, AishaZaynap said:

as we can see in the above statements that niqab is wajib in Hanafi madhab, i was asking that even if a women didnt wear niqab but wore hijab does this mean that she is sinful??

Yes. If wajib act is left out, it'd be sinful.

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  On 9/13/2014 at 12:35 PM, AishaZaynap said:

if that is the case then ( i ask this cos i wonder) then why mostly women encourage other women on wearing hijab.

Because Hijab is "Fardh" about which there's NO any difference of opinions among the Ulama.

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From this i get that even someone who wear hijab is still doing a sin. Basically women who dont wear hijab and women who wore it is in the same category..

Both are sinful. But fardh and wajib aren't equal. Denial of fardh act is kufr. And denial of wajib act is fisq, the one who denies wajib act is called as fasiq i.e. hypocrite.

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  On 9/13/2014 at 12:35 PM, AishaZaynap said:

if that is the case then ( i ask this cos i wonder) then why mostly women encourage other women on wearing hijab. From this i get that even someone who wear hijab is still doing a sin. Basically women who dont wear hijab and women who wore it is in the same category..



If a woman covered her hair, is it not refraining from a major sin? So at least she saved from the sin of exposing the hair which is haram.


Many people think that just because they commit other sins what is the point of practicing on something and they persist with other sins...this is a ploy of shaytan. Each sin is different and any sin we leave will please Allah ta'ala...and in fact will be a means of leaving more sins

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