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Employer/Employee Ethics in Islam


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Employer/Employee Ethics in Islam


In this world a person is either an employer or employee. Islam has laid great emphasis that both parties must be just, sincere and transparent in all their dealings and contracts. Allah Ta'ala commands us in the Qur'an with the words:

“Be just, for it is the closest to piety (Taqwa)” (Quran S 5, V 8)


Neither party should oppress the other by not fulfilling their obligations as per their contracts and agreements. A Muslim, as an employer or employee, should always keep in mind that I am a Muslim first and then an employer/employee. Therefore, through my dignified Akhlaaq (character), just dealings, and fulfilling my commitments, I will become a flag bearer of the noble teachings of Islam. Not only will this behaviour of mine be a means of Da'wah and spreading Islam but it will also pave an easy pathway to Barakah in my earnings and to the perpetual Rahmah of Allah Ta'ala.

Special attention in this regard should be directed towards the treatment of domestic and menial workers. It has become almost commonplace for them to be targets of verbal abuse and treatment more befitting animals than human beings. It is our Islamic obligation to realise that they are humans like you and I, and have feelings and emotions like you and I. They should thus be treated with due respect and courtesy. Failure to do so has the potential to see much harm and negativity targeting the Muslim community.

May Allah Ta'ala protect us from His punishment and endow us with the ability of fulfilling the rights of others, Aameen.



Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)
Council of Muslim Theologians
223 Alpine Road, Overport, Durban

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