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Wudhu Of A Woman In Istihaadahah (Bleeding Of Illness)


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Does the previously done wudhu of a woman who has Istihadha break with the beginning time of each Salaah?



1. If a woman has Istihadha and makes a fresh wudhu for Asr. Then she begins to read Qur`aan Shareef. The time of Maghrib sets in and she is still holding and reading the Qur`aan Shareef. She has to obviously make a fresh wudhu for Salaah. But can she continue to read the Qur`an for five more minutes or is she out of the state of wudhu once the Maghrib azaan is heard?


2. If a woman in the state of Istihadha takes a shower at around 10 or 11 am and makes wudhu whilst showering. Does she need to make a fresh wudhu for Zuhr salah or is the wudhu she made earlier still valid? (this applies only for Zuhr Salaah)



In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.


In principle, the Wudhu of a woman in the state of Istihadhah will break at the ending time of each Salaah[1]. Hence, she is obliged to perform Wudhu for the time of each prayer[2]. However, the Wudhu performed after the ending of Fajr time will suffice for her to pray the Zuhr salaah with[3], as long as there is no other factor that renders the Wudhu invalid[4].


1. In reference to your first question, the woman will not remain in the state of Wudhu as soon as the time of Asr ends and thus Maghrib time sets in[5]. The ending of Asr time will automatically render the Wudhu invalid. Hence it is permissible for the woman to continue reading the Qur`an but she is not allowed to hold or touch Qur`an until she makes Wudhu again after the Maghrib time has set in[6].


2. As for your second question, the shower or bath of a woman in the state of Istihadhah at any time after the ending of Fajr time will suffice for her to pray her Zuhr Salah. She is not required to make fresh Wudhu for Zuhr Salaah since her previous Wudhu is still valid until the end of Zohar time if there is no other factor that renders the Wudhu invalid[7].


And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best


Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.




1] وإذا خرج الوقت بطل وضوءهم واستانفوا الوضوء لصلاة أخرى

[Al-Hidayah ma`a Fat`h al-Qadir, 1:160, al-Maktabah al-Haqqaniyah]

[2] وهي تتوضأ لوقت الصلوة

[An-Nutaf fi al-Fatawa, p.89, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut]

[Fatawa Mahmoodiyyah, 5:223-4, Dar al-Iftaa Jamiah Farooqiyyah, Karachi; Fatawa Dar al-Uloom Zakariyyah, 1:543, Zamzam Publishers]

[3] فإن توضؤا حين تطلع الشمس أجزأهم عن فرض الوقت حتى يذهب وقت الظهر

[Al-Hidayah ma`a Fat`h al-Qadir, 1:160, al-Maktabah al-Haqqaniyah]

[4] و(تتوضأ المستحاضة ومن به عذر كسلس بول أو استطلاق بطن لوقت كل فرض)  لا لكل فرض ولا نفل لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم “المستحاضة تتوضأ لوقت كل صلاة” … (ويصلون به) أي بوضوئهم في الوقت (ما شاءوا من الفرائض) أداء للوقتية وقضاء لغيرها ولو لزم السنة زمان الصحة وما شاءوا من (النوافل) والواجبات كالوتر والعيد وصلاة جنازة وطواف ومس مصحف( ويبطل وضوء المعذورين ) إذا لم يطرأ ناقض غير العذر ( بخروج الوقت ) كطوع الشمس في الفجر عند أبي حنيفة ومحمد ( فقط ) وعند زفر بدخوله فقط

[Maraqiy al-Falah Sharh Nur al-Idhah, p.35-6, Maktabah Imdadiyah, Multan]

[Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-Durr al-Mukhtar, 1:305-6, H.M. Saeed Company]

[5] أن الوضوء إنما يبطل بخروج الوقت فقط لا بدخوله

[Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-Durr al-Mukhtar, 1:306, H.M. Saeed Company]

[6] ولو توضؤوا في وقت الظهر للعصر، لا يصلون به العصر في الأصح لأنها طهارة وقعت للظهر، حتى لو ظهر فساد ظهرهم ، جاز لهم أن يصلوها بها، فلا تبقى بعد خروجه

[imdad al-Fattah Sharh Nur al-Idhah wa Najah al-Arwah, p.146, Dar Tabaa`, Damascus]

[7] وإنما يبطل بخروج الوقت فقط لا بدخوله فقط كالظهر … فلو توضأ لصلاة العيد جاز له أن يصلي به الظهر على الصحيح كما لو توضؤوا لصلاة ضحى لأنه وقت مهمل

[imdad al-Fattah Sharh Nur al-Idhah wa Najah al-Arwah, p.146, Dar Tabaa`, Damascus]

[Ahsan al-Fatawa, 2:78, H.M. Saeed Company]

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