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Have U Heard Of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi ?


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got an email . What do u think of it ?

....many months ago I received the news that the Islamic State of Iraq would be expanding into Syria and forming the Islamic State of Iraq and Ash-Sham, this was widely announced and was discussed on my previous page. 

At that time it was declared that 
Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was Amir ul-Mu'mineen, and so many were asking if this meant that the Khilafah had been restored, as we knew that he was a man who fulfilled all of the conditions for being the Khalifah. 

At the time I made it clear that I have not received any such news and we should wait to clarify things, I promised to investigate the matter and report whatever news I could confirm.So some months passed by and I began to receive confirmation from those on the ground in the Islamic State that indeed the 
bay'ah was being given for the Khilafah to Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

I asked if this was open and could be shared, and I was told that it was probably better to not share it, and so I did not mention anything. Later I began to receive the same news from others, however again I was told that it was probably better to not state anything openly. However recently I spoke with a brother in the Islamic State who is with the 
ISIS as we speak and he confirmed the news again and I asked him if the Khilafah had been reestablished to which he replied 'Yes'


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