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Our faith sometimes weakens and we become overwhelmed by our desires. The shaytaan makes sin attractive to us, so we fall into things that Allah ‘azza wajal has forbidden. Now the question is not whether or not you will sin, because mistakes are in fact part of our nature.

The question is: what will you do after you’ve sinned?
Repentance— an Opportunity!

The concept of tawbah is amazingly beautiful and unique in Islam. We don’t confess to any intermediary; we turn to our Creator directly.

Allah al-Ghaffaar opened the gate of repentance to Himself and commanded us to turn to Him. This is an amazing combination! The fact that we can repent at any time and the fact that Allah gave us the knowledge of how to repent is a great rahmah (mercy). Tawbah is an opportunity!
What Repentance Brings to YOU

Let’s look at some rewards sincere tawbah brings to you.:
1. Repentance brings success:
Allah tells us …And beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful. [surah An-Noor, 31]
2.Repentance keeps you away hardship.
See they not that they are put in trial once or twice every year (with different kinds of calamities, disease, famine)? Yet, they turn not in repentance, nor do they learn a lesson (from it). [Quran, 9:126]
3.Repentance earns you Allah’s love.
Do you know that repentance is one of the most beloved acts of worship to Him? Allah says: … Truly, Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves. [Quran, 2:222]
4.Repentance makes you feel happy.
Tawbah cleans your heart. It makes you feel lighter, just as the burden of sin makes you feel heavy. Just say to yourself: who is there to stop me from turning back to Allah?
5.Repentance leads to forgiveness!
Both the Quran and the ahadeeth are clear that those who repent sincerely to Allah, acknowledging their sins, and commit to not return again to those sins will have their sins forgiven. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: If the servant acknowledges his sin and repents, then Allah accepts his repentance.
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