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Clash Of World Views

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We say there is a clash between communism/capitalism and religion. Liberalism and theism. Fascism and…. The list goes on. There have been articles and books written on Islam and the West and East and West. No one fully understands where the real problem lies. The reality is that the real problem or the real clash is only between two kinds of world views. And on those world views rest the other sub-world views.


There is a clash between the human-centric world and the God-centric world.


A God-centric world is that in which God is the centre of all things. God makes the laws of the world and those laws are followed. He is the supreme power. He tells you what to do and what not to do.

For example, God said the punishment of theft is to cut one of the hands. Now if someone steals, his hand would be cut off even if he is the president’s son because the law has to be obeyed.

Since God is the supreme power so everyone else is His slave and there is equality in the eyes of law and justice for everyone. The same rewards and same punishments apply to the same crime irrespective of who did it. So be it the king or the poorest beggar, both would think twice before committing a crime.

Similarly, if God says that women should wear hijab, they would do so even if they don’t understand the logic behind it because God is the All-Wise. They would know that there is wisdom behind this order but they just can’t reach that height. (As a side note, the logic behind hijab is pretty clear actually).

By following the do's and don’t's given by God, societies prosper.


Now let’s look at the human-centric world. A human-centric world is that in which the centre of things is human beings. Whatever laws human beings want, they make them and implement them. Humans tell you what is good and what is bad.

But do you see the snag? Humans are flawed. They neither have supreme wisdom nor supreme power. When they make a law and implement it, after some time it backfires because it was made by flawed humans. But it cannot be countered then as humans who made that law are involved in that very crime themselves.

For example, in a country in the West, 80% of violent crimes are due to alcohol every year. So why not ban drinking? Because the parliament (the law making body) is itself heavily involved in drinking. Due to this and many such examples, there has been chaos and the structure of the society has deteriorated, everyone does what they want to do.

In the 20th century, when humans tried to take control of the universe themselves, there have been 200 million deaths. With Communism and Nazism and Fascism etc. Humans go and kill a million in Iraq, humans go and kill millions in Vietnam, humans go and destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki, humans kill 6 million Jews.

Every single day in Britain, there are a hundred and forty seven rapes. Every two minutes in the States, a woman is raped. They know the reason. Pornography gives rise to it directly. But pornography sells because humans want it as it is a human-centric world.


Today there are a number of sects of secularism (the -ism that is human centric). There is capitalism, communism, liberalism, atheism and the likes. They all disagree with each other too but their basis is essentially the same: a human-centric world.


The Muslims of today have left God as their centre and started following the human centric world, due to which they are suffering from the very same problems as them.


The solution then lies in the God-centric world. Islam is that religion which not only came from God but is still pure and uncontaminated from human whims and desires. It provides a complete way of life that has its centre around God. A system, flawless and unbeatable.

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