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Sajdah Sahw


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How to Perform Sajdah Sahw

After completing tashahhud in the final sitting position one turns one's face only to the right with salutation and then saying takbeer, performs two sajdahs, one after the other, peacefully. After the second sajdah, one has to repeat tashahhud, durood, etc and complete the prayer in usual way.


When Sajdah Sahv will Not Make the Prayer Valid

  • If a fard part of the prayer is ignored or missed intentionally or unintentionally.
  • If a wajib part is missed intentionally.

          When Sajdah Sahv is Obligatory

  • If a person omits a wajib part of salat.
  • If a person causes undue delay in performance of a wajib or fard part of salat.
  • If a person repeats or overdoes something.
  • If a person recites the Qur'an audibly where it should be recited inaudibly or vice-versa.
  • If a person forgets to stand in qauma or to sit in jalsah.
  • If a person forgets to observe the first sitting (qa'dah ula) and stands up, he should not resume the sitting position on remembering the mistake, but should complete the prayer and perform sajdah sahv. However, if he realizes his mistake before standing up fully, he should sit down and need not perform sajdah sahv.
  • If a person forgets to observe final sitting position in a fard prayer containing two or four rak'ahs and stands up, he should sit down if he realizes the mistake before performing the sajdah (of the extra rak'ah) and carry out sajdah sahv to complete the prayer. If however he realizes his mistake after performing the sajdah (of the extra rak'ah), he should not sit but perform another rak'ah to complete four or six rak'ahs. He need not perform sajdah sahv, for this prayer will be regarded as nafl and fard prayer will have to be offered again.
  • If a person forgets to recite Al-Fatiha, Qunut, or tashahhud or the additional takbirs in Eid Prayer.
  • If the Imam omits or ignores wajib of the prayer, the follower has to perform sajdah sahv with the Imam. But if the follower omits a wajib neither of them has to perform sajdah sahv.
  • If a person omits to recite the additional surah in one or both of the first rak'ahs of the fard prayer he may recite the additional surah in one or both of the last rak'ah and perform sajdah sahv at the end.
  • If a person omits to recite the additional surah in any rak'ah of the sunnah or nafl prayer, he must perform sajdah sahv at the end.
  • If in the final sitting of a fard prayer or four rak'ahs a person has completed tashahhud and then has a doubt that this is his first sitting, he should stand up for the fifth rak'ah. Now if before performing the sajdah he realizes his mistake he should resume the sitting position and complete his prayer with sajdah sahv. But if he has performed the sajdah of the fifth rak'ah, he should add the sixth rak'ah as well and complete his prayer with sajdah sahv. The first four rak'ahs will be regarded as the fard prayer and the last two as nafl.
  • If the Imam or individual omits to recite Al-Fatiha in one or both of the last two rak'ahs of a fard prayer of four rak'ahs, he need not carry out sajdah sahv. But if he omits to recite Al-Fatiha in any of the sunnah or nafl rak'ahs, he will have to perform sajdah sahv because it is essential to recite Al-Fatiha in the first two rak'ahs of the fard prayer but in all the rak'ah of sunnah and nafl.
  • If a person carries out two rukus or three sajdahs in the same rak'ah or recites Al-Fatiha twice, he will have to perform sajdah sahv.
  • If a person begins to recite durood after tashahhud in first sitting and has recited as much as "Allahuma salli ala Muhammadin…" he will have to carry out sajdah sahv.
  • If a masbuq commits mistake while he is completing his prayer independently, he has to perform sajdah sahv in the final sitting.
  • If a person develops a doubt during his prayer as to whether he has performed three rak'ahs or four and he does not have such a doubt normally, he should repeat the whole prayer. But if he generally has such doubts he should take into account the lesser number of rak'ahs (3) and complete his prayer with sajdah sahv.
  • If a person omits any sunnah or mustahabb parts in the prayer he need not perform sajdah sahv.
  • If a person has committed a mistake entailing sajdah sahv but completes his prayer without carrying out sajdah sahv and realizes this before the salutation he should immediately perform sajdah sahv and repeat tashahhud, durood, and complete his prayer provided that he has not turned his face away from the Qiblah nor has had any conversation with another person.
  • If a person performs only one sajdah in a rak'ah he may make it up in a subsequent rak'ah before tashahhud in the final sitting and perform sajdah sahv. If, however, he, remembers the mistake after tashahhud, he should perform the missed sajdah immediately and recite tashahhud, durood, etc. and complete the prayer with sajdah sahv as usual.
  • If a person has offered four rak'ahs instead of two rak'ahs during a journey when it is essential to shorten one's prayer, and has observed the first sitting duly, he should carry out sajdah sahv in the final sitting. In this case, his first two rak'ahs will be regarded as fard and the remaining two as nafl.


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  • 4 months later...

Sajdah Sahw for reciting a surah in the third or fourth rak'at of a fardh salah unintentionally


Q. I was wondering if someone recited a surah in the third or fourth rak'at of a fardh salah unintentionally, is his salah valid? Does he have to make sajdah sahw?


(There may be grammatical and spelling errors in the above question. Questions are published as received)


A. It is sunnah to recite only Surah Fatiha in the third and fourth Rakaat of Fardh Salaah. However, if one unintentionally recites a Surah after Surah Fatiha in the third or fourth Rakaat of a Fardh Salaah, then the Salaah will be valid and Sajdah Sahw will not be necessary.

Note: In Wajib, Sunnah and Nafl Salaah, Surah Fatiha and a Surah must be recited in all Rakaats. The exclusion of the Surah after Surah Fatiha is only in the Fardh Salaah.  (al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah)



And Allah Knows Best



Mufti Suhail Tarmahomed


Mufti Ebrahim Desai



Fatwa Department

Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)

Council of Muslim Theologians

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  • 5 months later...



Muqtadi Making Sajdah Sahw


Q: How does one perform prostration of forgetfulness behind an Imam if one makes an error, such as sending blessings upon the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in the first sitting or reciting surah fathia?

A: If the muqtadi while performing Salaah behind the Imaam makes a mistake, he will not make sajda-e-sahw.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

فإن سها المؤتم لم يلزم الإمام ولا المؤتم السجود لأنه لو سجد وحده كان مخالفا لإمامه ولو تابعه الإمام ينقلب الأصل تبعا (هداية 1/159)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

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  • 7 months later...

Leaving out a sunnah or waajib of Salaah


Q: If someone leaves out a sunnah of the salaah or commits a makrooh action in salaah, is it necessary to repeat the salaah? What if the time for the salaah has already finished? Does it make a difference if the action is Sunnah muakkadah, makrooh tahreemi or tanzeehi?


A: If a Sunnah action was left out, the Salaah will not have to be repeated. If a waajib action of the Salaah was left out, then sajda-e-sahw will have to be made. If one did not make the sajda-e-sahw, then the Salaah should be repeated as long as the time of the Salaah remains. Once the time elapses, one does not have to repeat the Salaah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

( لها واجبات ) لا تفسد بتركها وتعاد وجوبا في العمد والسهو إن لم يسجد له وإن لم يعدها يكون فاسقا آثما وكذا كل صلاة أديت مع كراهة التحريم تجب إعادتها (الدر المختار1/456-457)

قال الشامي في رد المحتار: المطلب صلاة أديت مع كراهة التحريم تجب إعادتها   قوله ( وكذا  كل صلاة الخ ) الظاهر أنه يشمل نحو مدافعة الأخبثين مما لم يوجب سجودا أصلا وأن النقص إذا دخل في صلاة الإمام ولم يجبر وجبت الإعادة على المقتدي أيضا وأنه يستثنى منه الجمعة والعيد إذا أديت مع كراهة التحريم إلا إذا أعادها الإمام والقوم جميعا فليراجع ح

تنبيه: قيد في البحر في باب قضاء الفوائت وجوب الإعادة في أداء الصلاة مع كراهة التحريم بما قبل خروج الوقت أما بعده فتستحب (رد المحتار1/ 457)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

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  • 1 year later...
Is the Salaah valid if Durood is recited in the second Rakaat of a four Rakaat Salaah?
Q. Is the salaah valid if a person recited the Durood in the second Rakaat of a four Rakaat Fardh Salaah?
A. If a person recited the Durood (Allahumma Salli Ala Muhammad till the end) after reciting Tashahhud (At-Tahiyyatu Lillahi Wassalaawaat till the end) in the first sitting posture (Qadah-e-Ula) of a four Rakaat Fardh Salaah, then it is Waajib (necessary) to make Sajdah-e-Sahw. (Haashiyatut Tahtaawi Al Maraaqil Falaah (1/342)
The method of Sajdah-e-Sahw is to make one Salaam after reciting the Tashahhud in the last sitting posture of Salaah (Qadah-e-Akheerah) and thereafter perform two Sajdas. Thereafter, the Tashahhud should be repeated, Durood should be recited, Du’aa should be read and the Salaat should be completed by making Salaam.
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
(Islamic rulings on this Q&A newsletter are answered in accordance to the Hanafi Fiqh) 

Fatwa Department


Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) 

Council of Muslim Theologians

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  • 4 months later...
Forgetting to recite a Surah after Surah Faatiha in the second rakaat of a 4 rakaat Salaah


Q: If in a 4 rakaat salaah one forgets to read a surah after surah al Fatiha in the 2nd rakaat, should he read a surah in the 3th rakaat after surah al Fatiha? If yes, is this Waajib to do so, and what if one wilfully does not do it?



A: If one had left out the surah in the second rakaat of a four rakaat salaah, then it is compulsory upon him to recite a surah after surah faatiha in either the third rakaat or fourth rakaat and make sajdah sahw at the end of the salaah. If one did not recite the surah after surah faatiha in the third rakaat or fourth rakaat one should make sajda-e-sahw at the end of the Salaah. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.

( ولو ترك سورة أوليي العشاء ) مثلا ولو عمدا ( قرأها وجوبا ) وقيل ندبا ( مع الفاتحة جهرا في الأخريين ) لأن الجمع بين جهر ومخافتة في ركعة شنيع ولو تذكرها في ركوعه قرأها وأعاد الركوع

قال الشامي : قوله ( مثلا ) زاده ليعم ما لو تركها في ركعة واحدة وهل يأتي بها في الثالثة أو الرابعة يحرر وليعم غير العشاء كالمغرب فإنه لو تركها في إحدى أولييها يأتي بها في الثالثة ولو فيهما معا أتى في الثالثة بفاتحة وسورة وفاتت الأخرى ويسجد للسهو لو ساهيا وليعم الرباعية السرية فإنه يأتي بها في الأخريين أيضا أفاده ط وإنما خص المصنف العشاء بالذكر لمكان قوله جهرا في الأخريين لا للاحتراز عن غيره فلذا أشار الشارح إلى التعميم فافهم (رد المحتار 1/ 535)

Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach

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