The Effects of Company
Hazrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Daamat Barakaatuhu) mentioned
Among the most disastrous elements in this path of sulook is company. It is so detrimental that it can take one to the lowest of the low.
Company and association is not restricted to just friends and people. It also refers to the things that we read or hear. Many a times a person’s mind is covered with doubts or his thoughts are scattered after reading an article, or listening to a programme or after seeing a picture. These should not be treated as insignificant. In fact, when it happens for the first time, then such articles etc. should be discarded. Some say that it isn’t a ‘train smash’. Yes, it’s not a train smash, it’s a ‘brain smash’, for this person is now perpetually troubled by these doubts and confounding thoughts.