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Abu Hafsat

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Everything posted by Abu Hafsat

  1. As-Salaam alaikum, The Noble Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, once asked his companions: "ARE YOU UNABLE TO EARN 1,000 GOOD DEEDS A DAY?" Someone said: "How can we earn 1,000 deeds a day?" The Prophet, alaihis-Salaat Was-Salaam, replied: "MAKE 100 TASBIH [recital of SUBHANALLAHI ] AND 1,000 GOOD DEEDS WILL BE RECORDED FOR YOU OR 1,000 SINS WILL BE ERASED." (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 2698 ).
  2. As-Salaam alaikum, As we live everyday life, I think it is apt to consider/remember these Ahadith, related from the Leader of Mankind and Jinn, Sayyadina Muhammadur-Rasulullahi, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam:-- (1) "DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL, FOR IT IS THE KEY TO ALL EVIL."- Ibn Majah (2) "LIVELIHOOD SEEKS A PERSON OUT IN THE SAME WAY THAT HIS DEATH SEEKS HIM OUT."- Ibn Hibban (3) "ALL THE CHILDREN OF ADAM ARE WRONGDOERS, BUT THE BEST WRONGDOERS ARE THOSE THAT REPENT."- Tirmidhi (4) "THE BEAUTY OF ONE'S ISLAM REQUIRES HIS LEAVING ALL THINGS THAT DO NOT CONCERN HIM".- Ibn Hibban (5) "FEED THE HUNGRY, VISIT THE SICK AND FREE CAPTIVES."- Bukhari (6) "THE KEY TO PARADISE IS SALLAH, AND THE KEY TO SALLAH IS WUDU."- Tirmidhi.
  3. As-Salaam alaikum, "Tasawwuf is to keep the heart clean from all expectations from people; abstaining from subservience to desire; killing the attributes of the nafs; cultivating the spiritual attributes; acquisition of true knowledge; to practice such deeds which will benefit until qiyaamat; to admonish and advise all people of the Ummat, and to follow the Shari'ah of Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam." -- Sheikh Junaid al-Baghdadi.
  4. Sometimes in order to help, He makes us cry. Happy is the eye that sheds tears for His sake. Fortunate the heart that burns for His sake. Laughter always follows tears. Blessed are those who understand. Life blossoms wherever water flows. Where tears are shed, Divine Mercy is shown. ... after Jalaluddin Rumi.
  5. Assalam alaikum, With respect to the above topic on so called 'Weak Ahadith' some people beleive, as did Sayyadi Ibn Arabi, may Allah be Merciful to him, that such 'weak' Hadith shuold be allowed and/or be acceptable... especially those that encourage the practice of pious works or those that convey an indisputable spiritual teaching. It is harmless, such folks hold, to regularly put into practice authentic or weak Hadith, taking into account all the nuances brought out by the different versions of such Ahadith, without attaching oneself to the exterior criteria of the validity of the Hadith, except obviously when it is a matter of licit or illicit. The imitation of the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, as carried by a Hadith [ presumably weak ], in conformity to the Sunnah leads in effect, according to the Holy Qur'an, to Divine Love: 'Say: If truly you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you.' (3:31) And in any case, if we accept the so called 'Weak' Hadith related from the Holy Prohpet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, we accept it out of respect for the Prophet, peace be upon him. When it is incorrect hadith, there would be no responsibility on us for accepting it. This is good manners/adaab. Wallahu Ta'ala A'aalam.
  6. Assalam alaikum, Kindly permit me to share with you the following Inspiring reminder from Imam an-Nawawi, may Allah sunctify his secret, as contained in his "Al-Maqaasid". It reads:-- "One reaches Allah Most High by repenting form all things, unlawful or offensive; seeking sacred knowledge in accordance with one's needs, maintaining ritual purity; performing the obligatory prayers in the first of their time and in congragation, including the Sunnah prayers that correspond to each of the obligatory prayers; adhering to the 8 raka'ats of the midmorning prayer (Duha) and the 6 raka'ats after the sunset prayer and before the night prayer; performing the night prayer (tahajjud) after awaking from one's sleep; fulfilling the witr prayer; fasting on Mondays and Thursdays and on the 3 days of the full moon- ie the 13th, 14th and 15th of the lunar month- and also the days of the year in which fasting is recommended; reciting the Qur'an with the heart's presence coupled with reflection upon its meanings;...... frequently asking forgiveness of Allah (Istighfar); maintaining prayers and blessings [salat ala Nabiyy] upon the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam; and finally, adhering to the meritorious invocations of the morning and evening that have come to us from the Sunnah (adhkaar as-sabaah wa al-masa)".
  7. Assalam alykum, I wish to share with you some inspiring quotes, to make us aspire more towards good, as follows;-- 1) "We look at Allah by the sight of Imaan and certitude, making us in no need of evidence and proofs, and we see none from creation: Is there anyone in existence other than the True King? And if it is inevitable that there is, then it is like dust in the air, if you examine them you will find them nothing."- Abu Hasan Ash-Shaathali. 2) Commenting on Ayat 54 of Surat Shura (41:54) of the Holy Qur'an, in which Allah, Azzah Wa Jallah, says:- "Verily ! He it is Who is surrounding all things." Sayyid Ali Muhammad Wafa (d. 1399 AD) said: "Just like the surrounding of the sea water with its waves in sense and in image, for He [Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala] is the Reality of everything and He is the essence of everything and everything is Him and His quality. So, understand." 3) "Know that days are but hours, and hours are but breaths, and every soul is a container; hence let not any breath pass without any benefit, such as on the Day of Judgement you find an empty container and feel regret. Be aware of every hour and how it passes, and only spend it in the best possible way; do not neglect yourself, but render it accustomed to the noblest and best of actions, and send to your grave that which will please you when you arrive to it." - Imam al-Jawzi.
  8. Assalam alaykum, Permit me to second above topic started by one of our senoirs on Sufism and Shari'a and observe that the 2 are insearable. Indeed, Tasawwuf or Sufism as others refer to it is nothing other than Love of Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, and adherance to the Prophet's Sunnah, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam. And there is no way one can do/succed in that without recourse to the Shari'a. The begining of Sufism is to engage in Allah's worship and the end is to entrust everything to Him [Azzah Wa Jallah], disregarding all means: "Every soul will taste death. Then to Us, you will be returned." (29:54)
  9. Assalam alaykum, I wish to share with you the following Inspiring quotes that have that remarkable potential of making us work towards good at all times. These are:-- 1) "The Qur'an is like a friend.... the longer the friendship lasts the more you will know of its secrets, as a friend doesn't reveal his secrets to someone who sits with him for a few minutes and then leaves." -- Muhammad al-Awaji. 2) "When the heart finds solace in something other than God Mopst High, it is barred from smelling the frangrance of certainty." - Sahl Ibn Abdullah. 3) "Certainty prompts the servant to cut short his hopes [for the things of this world]; cutting short one's hopes, in turn, prompts him to embrace renunciation; renunciation produces wisdom, and wisdom produces desire to ponder upon one's fate in the Hereafter."-- Dhu'l Nun al-Misri. 4) "Nobility lies in Modesty; greatness lies in fear of God; and freedom lies in Contentment."-- Ibrahim Ibn Shayban. 5) "The signs of God's Love is to bestow 3 attributes on His Lover: A generosity like that of the sea, a kindness like that of the sun, and a humility like that of the earth."-- Abu Yazid al-Bistami.
  10. Assalam alaikum, Yes, indeed you all know about the importance and significance of Istighfar, that is our seeking of forgiveness of Allah, whereby we say/recite Astaghfirullah ( I seek forgiveness of Allah). We need plenty of this Du'a or Zikr or Supplication daily in view of our shortcomings. In any case, Allah, Most High, says:-- "....SEEK THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR LORD, AND TURN TO HIM IN REPENTANCE, THAT HE MAY GRANT YOU GOOD ENJOYMENT, FOR A TERM APPOINTED..." [surat Hud 11:3] And Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said:--"The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:--"If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety, and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not". [Abu Dawud]. We must, therefore, engage in Istighfar constantly... it is in our own interest.
  11. Salaam everyone, Muraqabah is knowing that Allah, Most High, is watching over us. In the Holy Qur'an Allah, Most High, says:-- "AND KNOW THAT ALLAH KONWS WHAT IS IN YOUR MINDS." (2:235) "AND ALLAH IS EVER A WATCHER OVER ALL THINGS". (33:52) "AND HE IS WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU MAY BE". (57:4) In the Hadith of Jibreel, peace be upon him, when he asked the Prophet, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, about Ihsan [Goodness and Exellence], the Prophet replied:-- "Ihsan is to worship Allah as if you see Him, but since we do not see Him, we should know that He sees us at all times". [bukhari and Muslim]. The meaning of this Hadith is the meaning of Muraqabah, namely, the endurance of the servant's knowledge and his conviction and certainty that Allah is watching over his internal and external affairs [thoughts and actions]. To have this knowledge and certainty at all times is called Muraqabah. It is the fruit of the servant's knowledge that Allah is his Watcher, Overseeing him, Hearing his utterances and Observing all his deeds at all times. For further reading, see Ibn Qayyim al-jawziyya's "The Steps Of The Followers".
  12. Salaam everyone, Admin Edit: Post removed temporarily until source provided
  13. Assalam alaykum, The Noble Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was reported saying:-- "He is successful who has accepted Islam, who has been provided with sufficient for his wants and been made contented by Allah with what He has given him." [sahih Muslim]. Admin Edit: explanation removed. Please mention source. Jazaakallah
  14. Salaam everyone, Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Messenger of Allah, Sallallahu alaihi Wasallam, said:-- "THE ONE WHO LOOKS AFTER A WIDOW OR A POOR PERSON IS LIKE A MUJAHID (Warrior) WHO FIGHTS FOR ALLAH's CAUSE, OR LIKE HIM WHO PERFORMS PRAYERS ALL THE NIGHT AND FASTS ALL THE DAY". [sahih Bukhari: Vol.7, Book 64, No. 265].
  15. Assalam alaikum, Abu Umamah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet, may Allah bless and greet him, said:-- "I guarantee a house in the surroundings of paradise for a man who avoids quarrelling even if he were in the right, a house in the middle of paradise for a man who avoids lying even if he were joking, and a house in the upper part of paradise for a man who made his character good". [Abu Dawud].
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