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Everything posted by xs11ax
r/afghanistan on reddit goes private. The mods have been outed as Hindus/Americans etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/AfghanCivilwar/comments/pigsui/the_rafghanistan_mod_team_are_proimperialism/
Maryam, a teacher in a predominantly Shia Hazara neighborhood in Kabul confronts local Taliban commander in front of the camera with a question about girls education. https://www.reddit.com/r/AfghanCivilwar/comments/pfaaxt/maryam_a_teacher_in_a_predominantly_shia_hazara/?ref=share&ref_source=embed&utm_content=title&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_name=f1ed075d439345058f56f760c972afb8&utm_source=embedly&utm_term=pfaaxt
Seems like a cover up. Were people shot and killed by US soldiers after the suicide bombing in Kabul? https://www.instagram.com/p/CTKOAOyoErl/?utm_medium=share_sheet
Salaam. Off the top of my head... We will need a front end with tools that end users can access. E.g. a website/app with categories, search facilities, etc. And a back end that developers can use to quickly and easily upload info. E.g. a content management system or program that has a categorized set template that developers can use to quickly and easily upload the content. We can do our own research and also invite others to submit their research in a set format possibly using the same back end template used by the developers. The user submissions will then need to be checked and cleaned up by the developers before uploading it to the website. The site can be further developed to include better research tools, such as tools that allow you to cross reference each submission with other submissions that are linked to it, information on politicians, media outlets, journalists along with their credentials, biases, truthfulness, etc. The information could look something like... Antagonists: US Army Year: 2010 Country: Afghanistan. Location: Daman, Kandahar. Incident: Something happened on the 1st of month 2010 carried out by such and such. Evidence: Documents, interviews, photos, videos, etc. Official Response: We have investigated our personnel and we have concluded we did nothing wrong and nothing more will be done about blah blah blah....
I don't mean on this forum. On a different platform or it's own website which can be shared amongst various forums and social media platforms. It won't be easy, but doable if enough people are interested. It's just an idea.
No problem. Still require your's and others mashwerah. Is it worthwhile doing? Will it be of benefit?
We need to work on a comprehensive database categorizing the atrocities carried out by the US and its allies otherwise the information will be lost and people will forget. We need to include links and sources and also archive the evidence and testimonies etc before they get scrubbed off the net. Anyone available to spearhead this?
Another coincidence? www.redwalljanehall.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/afghan_police_web.jpg
Twitter thread with investigations from the war in Afghanistan including: Ghost Schools, US spec forces killing pregnant women and tried to cover it up, doomed AFG rebuilding plan, US soldier Robert Bales murdering 16 civilians in Kandahar, The Takhar attack, the A-Team killings and much more... https://twitter.com/AzmatZahra/status/1427785068056035335
Do you have any details, please? Names of ulama/madaris and how they have demonstrated their support.
I don't think many people are interested in this stuff anymore, at least not like how people were when Taliban first came to power. What are the ulama and madaris of Pakistan saying about the resurgence of Taliban. Are they supporting them?
Maybe I misremembered or read a bad translation. Or possibly it was the writer's own conclusion.
I don't know if it's reliable, weak, or completely fabricated. The gist of it is as follows... A muslim army and a christian army will unite together to fight a muslim army. The muslim/christian coalition will win. Then an argument will ensue regarding why they won. The muslim army will declare the victory was due to Islam and the christians will declare it was due to Christianity. This will culminate into a fight and the Muslims will win.
Can someone post the hadith regarding a muslim army uniting with a non muslim army to fight a muslim army please.
Salaam. Multiple explosions and gun fights attributed to ISIS. 3 explosions so far. Multiple deaths and injuries including US troops. r/afghancivilwar (reddit) is a good source for quick information.
Salaam. May Allah give you, your family, and the whole Ummah the best in this world and the next.
Came across this. Update Ahmad Masood is negotiating with the #Taliban over an inclusive government but no agreement has been reached so far. Taliban earlier said that Massoud had pledged allegiance to them that is not true. https://mobile.twitter.com/PanjshirProvin1/status/1429078066995814406
Is this true? Can someone translate the video? Khalil Haqqani, a senior Taliban leader, announces that the son of Ahmad Shah Massoud with all his cabinet have given Bayah (pledge of allegiance) to the Taliban. https://www.reddit.com/r/AfghanCivilwar/comments/p8r4yg/khalil_haqqani_a_senior_taliban_leader_announces/
Salaam. Any good Twitter accounts from Afghanistan?
I used to be hopeful, but now my hope has turned to trepidation. But that's just me. People are moulded by their experiences and this is where it has brought me. Inshallah I am completely wrong and I hope I stand embarrassed by my lack of confidence. Saying that, the current situation is definitely going to have a big effect around the globe, inshallah.
What do others think of this current administration of the Taliban?
At the moment I'm celebrating as well as being wary. Just because they are the Taliban, we shouldn't give them a free pass. In fact they should be held to a stricter standard. It's very early days so let's wait and see how things pan out. I don't know what their justification is in forming a relationship with China, but I'm hoping and praying that it is all in Allah's plan and inshallah we shall see the benefit. My mind keeps thinking back to the treaty of hudaibiya and how it ultimately lead to our benefit. The first time Taliban took over, they allowed the losing side to join Taliban and gave them the same positions they held when they were in opposition to the Taliban. They also allowed the opposition to hold official positions in some areas such as Kabul. I can understand their hikmat behind this, but it backfired. The ex opposition holding positions in the Taliban gained numbers and strength and caused problems for the main leadership, including ameerul mumineen mullah umar (rh). I hope this doesn't happen again. I think this is a very critical time and the Taliban need help and support from our scholars, world leaders, and general awaam.