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Everything posted by ColonelHardstone

  1. I wanted the thread closed so people don't get confused and their acts of worship don' get impacted. I consign your "comments about my selfish" to Allah Ta'ala for the day of judgement, Insha'Allah. Since you have taken up the responsibility to answer, lets hope that that the forum has the decency to not ban me from my own thread and delete responses (if any).
  2. Wrong analogy, Qur'aan is memorized and read and Allah Ta'ala has made it so. Billions of women don't have their habit memorized and there is no evidence (in Islam) that requires it. There is also no evidence to suggest that women went around looking for a scribe to jot down their habits and there is no requirement in Shariah for that either. I am not looking for conjecture. Please delete this thread as it may cause confusion among Sisters. Nobody is actually grasping what I am asking and what I asked Mufti Saheb so please delete. I got my answer from Mufti Saheb and he agrees with me so that's all I was interested in. Appreciate it. Jzk
  3. How did they do that in the time of Sahabah (RA)? Do you have any evidence of women keeping dates? What about women who cannot read or write?
  4. You have responded with a how and not a why? And not the fact that all of this would not have been possible in the time of Sahaba (RA) and vast majority of Muslim women cannot and unable to do this.
  5. I have never understood as to why there are a billion courses, gazillion articles and trillion apps to keep track of a Mas'ala which has affected mankind from day one. There is absolutely no way that Sahabiyyat kept track of calendars or took extensive notes and a large number of Muslim women cannot read or write. I spoke to Mufti Asadullah Shehbaz (HA) at Jamiatur-Rasheed (Karachi) and before I share his answer, I would like to hear from a Sister as to why this issue is so complex that it needs tables and Apps to track?
  6. Will ask about the origin of the Virus but from a practical perspective whether it is Bio-engineered or natural it still makes people sick. 2-3 days ago one of the top Indian Ulama spoke about vaccines and he was talking about Israeli vaccination program where his information is not entirely correct. When Dr76 sent me the video I told him this isn't True. He was encouraging taking vaccines by the way and not the opposite... He said, "Yes". He is a Medical Doctor why is he forwarding information which he knows to be not entirely accurate? Why is a "Maulana" commenting on Public Health issues? Its not his area of knowledge We all know a Maulana who is a conspiracy-nut and I spoke to him for over 45 minutes and he said, "He is not sure..." So I said, "Why are you talking about something based on conjecture which you have no knowledge of?" Shariah says to keep quiet on matters about which you know nothing. Spoke to a brother and he says: CoronaVirus has been around in Humans for centuries COVID-19 is a Hoax I asked, tell me what is the difference between the two terms and define them? He didn't know. I said Coronavirus is a family e.g. Toyota COVID-19 is a specific virus e.g. "Corolla" Toyota makes Camry, Yaris, Avalon, Lexus and all sorts of models so are you saying that a new "Virus" or "Model" cannot emerge from this like E-V-E-R? Why or why not? People post these videos, articles...Just ask Break the information down for me, point by point what do you understand about the topic? I don't want to watch an hour long video...
  7. عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه و سلم قَالَ: "مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاَللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَلْيَقُلْ خَيْرًا أَوْ لِيَصْمُتْ
  8. Also it depends on the type of vaccine and not "vaccination" per say.
  9. That's a legitimate question for any Doctor, we are only dealing with crazy...
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRQGJ_K7Bno
  11. Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Decades before the Muslim league took the name of "Pakistan" or presented the concept of Pakistan at Lahore on the 23rd of March 1940, it was Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RA) who stressed the need for Muslims of India to have a separate homeland to safeguard their rights. https://youtu.be/Eb4Ve9iWhmk
  12. Traditional Asian women don't but a lot of other women use Puff Pastry for making Samosas... https://www.cookwithmanali.com/puff-pastry-samosa/ https://www.thespruceeats.com/easy-vegetable-samosas-recipe-2098695 My family doesn't use it for Samosas, either.
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