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Everything posted by ColonelHardstone

  1. Asslamo Allaikum All, http://central-mosque.com/index.php/Table/Qur-aan/Arabic/ With the Taufeeq of Allah (SWT) and assistance of knowledgable members of the forum, I would like to propose starting a course on the 3 part Madina Series Arabic on the forum. If you are intrested please respond to this thread as the course will assume no previous knowledge of Arabic apart from the ability to read Qur'aan. If Masha'Allah you have skills to assist please also respond to this thread and offer your help. All course material will be provided to you and all your queries will be answered to the best of our ability. Jazakullah Khairun
  2. "Shia'ism is renowned for lies, (historical) forgery and (Hadeeth) fabrication and the following series of talks and booklet (English & Arabic) are one of the best detailed exposition of Shia'ism (also known as Rafidhi'ism) through its own sources by Shaykh (Mufti) Taha Karaan (HA) of South Africa" http://central-mosque.com/index.php/Beliefs/academic-exposition-of-shia-ism-and-its-dangers.html
  3. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani [1835-1908]: Indian National from the province of Punjab who falsely claimed prophethood and unanimously declared Kaafir by agreement of Muslim Scholars since he neither repented nor retracted his views. Qadiyanees: Those who believe in the false claim of Mirza Qadiyani and unanimously declared Kaafir by agreement of Muslim Scholars. Lahorees: Offshoot of Qadiyanees and registered group from Lahore (Pakistan) who consider Mirza Qadiyani to be Mujaddid (reviver of Islam) and unanimously declared Kaafir by agreement of Muslim Scholars. http://central-mosque.com/index.php/Refutations/who-are-qadiyanees.html
  4. Asslamo Allaikum, Plenty of unscented Anti-Perspirants & Deodarants easily available for Sisters to use. Best review is for Right Guard Total defense 5
  5. Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, Alhumdolillah, we would like to inform our respected readers that we will use the site of Shaykh (Mufti) Taha Karaan (HA) to serve the Fiqh needs of the those who are students of the Madhab of Imam of Ahlus-Sunnah Abu ʿAbdullah Muhammad ibn Idris al-Shafi‘i (RA) Please open a new thread with the appropriate titles and share the Islamic knowledge. May Allah (SWT) reward you with the best of rewards in this world and the next (Ameen). Jazakulah Khairun
  6. Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, Alhumdolillah, Shaykh Mukhtar (HA) who is currently based in Mauritania has agreed to take questions and provide responses dealing with the Fiqh of great Imam of Ahlus-Sunnah Malik Ibn Anas (RA). Please open a new thread with the appropriate title and be as detailed as possible in your query. May Allah (SWT) reward you and the Shaykh (HA) with the best of rewards in this world and the next (Ameen). Jazakulah Khairun
  7. Abstract: We urge all Muslims to take note of these series of events wherein our American Muslim Sister Yasmin Mogahead will be addressing a mixed gathering and Shaykh (Dr) Akram Nadwi (HA) will also be appearing at one of events alongside her. This event is being organised by Alburuj Press headed by Br Zaid and we request all Muslims to contact Alburuj Press & Br Zayd ul Islam , Shaykh (Dr) Akram Nadwi (HA), Sister Yasmin Mogahead and advise them to place appropriate barriers and safeguards in place or refrain from attending these series of events and also discourage others from doing the same. Read full article here:
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