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We live in a world of import and export, a world in which most goods and commodities are available in most countries for most of the year. However, despite the year-round availability, there are many goods that enjoy a ‘peak season’. Astute businessmen are those who identify this period and utilize it to their advantage. A Golden Opportunity The season presents a golden opportunity for one to secure tremendous profits in a minimal period of time. Hence, during the month of December, even if the rest of the world is on vacation, it is practically unimaginable for one to find the serious businessman on holiday. He understands the pivotal role that the season plays in his success; if he remains focused and committed, he will reap the profits, and if he allows himself to become distracted or while away his time, he alone will suffer the consequences. The Season of Taqwa Just as other things have a special season; taqwa also has a special season – the month of Ramadaan. From fasting during the day to performing Taraaweeh during the night, the entire month has been specially designed to assist a believer in harvesting a bumper crop of fruit, from the tree of taqwa, which he will continue to enjoy long after the blessed month has expired. However, just as with other seasons, this will only be possible if one avails himself for this blessed month and expends all his energies in striving to secure the bargains it has on offer. More than Money If the shop owner arrives at work two hours late, he will regret the business that he lost and lament the money that he could have made. For every minute of the two hours, he could have been serving customers and turning the numbers. We often hear the adage ‘time is money’. However, contrary to popular belief, time is NOT money — it is far more valuable than money. Whereas money can always be later recovered if lost, time can never be recovered — and it is for this reason that time is our single greatest asset. In the race to secure the rewards of Ramadaan, it is those who are particular regarding their time that profit the most. Destructive Distractions In this regard, along with the ready-made opportunities to benefit are a host of ready-made distractions. After - Taraaweeh braais, meeting friends for a chat, an ‘Eid bargain-hunting’ excursion – these are all seemingly innocent activities. However, when thoroughly scrutinized, we realize that the braai ‘burnt’ two or three hours of our time, whereas a normal supper would have been concluded in a maximum of thirty minutes. The excursion to purchase ‘Eid-goods at the best prices may have saved us a few valuable rands but undoubtedly cost us invaluable hours and minutes. Media ‘Mania’ In the opinion of many, the uncrowned yet undisputed champion of ‘killing time’ is social media in all its various guises and forms. Whether in the masjid, while attending a program for spiritual upliftment, or at the time of sehri when du‘aas are accepted – instead of maximizing and benefiting from these opportunities, there are many who become Media ‘Maniacs’ and wile away the irrecoverable moments on their smart phones. For this purpose, just as we fast by shunning food and drink from dawn to sunset, let us make a resolution to ‘fast’ from all forms of media for all the 24 hours of every day in the Month of Ramadhan. We should initiate a complete ’fast’ from all these time-consumers during this blessed period and afterwards as well. Thus let us make this Ramadaan very profitable by correctly investing the capital of time that we have been blessed with. Insha-Allah we will reap the rewards in this world and the Hereafter. alhaadi.org.za
Ramadan (& Fasting) – Life With Allah
There was once a teacher who asked the students, “What do you want to be in life?” The children gave varying replies, typically ranging from ‘doctor’, to ‘lawyer’, to ‘accountant’ etc. However, from all the answers given, there was one answer that really stood out, an answer that the teacher had never heard before. The child spontaneously replied, “I want to be a Sahaabi”. Obviously, nobody can become a Sahaabi, but what this ‘career choice’ said about the child is that he aspired to be LIKE the illustrious Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum). While the other children were impressed with the lifestyle and wealth of doctors and lawyers, he identified with the beautiful qualities of the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum), such as their piety, generosity, love for Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam), disinterest in the world, loyalty to Islam, etc. and he wished to follow in their footsteps. How proud his parents must have been to hear that he gave this amazing answer! Now, the question is, “What was it in the life of this child that moulded his mindset and prompted him to give this response?” The answer … It was the effort of his parents at home. As parents, we chart the course of our children’s lives, give them direction, instill values in them and place them on the paths that they will follow. Let us ask ourselves, “What course are we charting for them, and what values are we instilling in them?” Generally, from the tender age of six, the child is already enrolled into a school, and his schooling career lasts for a whole twelve years. At 190 school days a year, and seven hours a day, that equates to almost 16 000 hours spent in school! All this time spent in school is for one purpose – to one day enjoy a successful career and earn a lot of money. Now, let us compare that to the amount of time dedicated to a child’s Deeni education. If the madrasah year is also 190 days, and the maktab session lasts for two hours, and the average child attends the maktab for five years (if he even attends punctually for the full period), this equates to a paltry 1 900 hours in comparison. Worryingly, it is in this meagre amount of time that the child is expected to learn the entire Deen on which his eternal success depends. This disparity is obviously a major problem… This problem is compounded when the parents, directly or indirectly, ‘teach’ the children that Deen and Deeni education is unimportant and insignificant. For example, most parents will seldom allow their children to ‘bunk’ (remain absent from) school, yet frequently allow them to bunk madrasah. Likewise, many children miss madrasah due to studying for school exams, yet a child has perhaps never missed school due to studying for madrasah exams. In some cases, the parents themselves encourage the children to remain absent from madrasah, in favour of some extracurricular activity such as sport or tuition. How lamentable that even kicking a ball is given preference to learning the Word of Allah Ta‘ala! In essence, the child is taught that Deen is absolutely unimportant, as making money and living luxuriously is the goal in life. If our children are acquiring a school education, there must be an accompanying effort, from the parents, for the Imaan and Deeni education and security of the children. In order to achieve this, due importance must be shown to the Maktab Madrasah, and there must be a strong environment of Deen in the home (through making ta’leem, reciting the Sunnah Duas, teaching good manners and respect, performing all Salaah, etc.). If this is done correctly, then throughout the child’s life, whenever there is a clash between his material interest and Deeni interest, he will make the correct choice and remain loyal to Allah Ta‘ala – safeguarding his entry into Jannah. Remember, a child can be born a Muslim, but not born a Jannati, as Jannah has to be earned. Just as we prepare our children to earn a living, let us ensure that we prepare them to earn Jannah. UswatulMuslimah
By Moulana Muhammad Ibn Haroon In a captivating style, the Nabi of Allah (ﷺ) offered the following priceless counsel to his devoted servant, Sayyiduna Anas (رضي الله عنه). Sayyiduna Anas ibn Malik (رضي الله عنه) reports that Rasulullah (ﷺ) arrived in Madinah when I was a young eight-year-old. My Mother took me by my hand to him and said: “O Messenger of Allah, every man and woman of Madinah has presented you with a gift. I have nothing else to offer besides this child of mine. Please accept him as your servant for all your needs.” I served the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) for ten years. During this time he never beat me, abuse or even scold at me. He never gave me an angry look. The first advice he gave me was:“O my son! Keep my secrets confidential, and you will become a true believer.” Sayyiduna Anas (رضي الله عنه) says: “I never disclosed the secrets of Rasulullah (ﷺ) to anyone, despite the requests of my mother and the wives of Rasulullah (ﷺ).” He also told me: “O my son! Be thorough in your Wudhu and the two angels (who are recording your deeds) will love you. Your life will also be increased." O my Son! If you can, then remain in the state of wudu continuously, for if death comes to someone in the state of wudu, he acquires Shahada (the rank of the martyrs). O my son! If you have the ability to constantly send salutations upon me then do so, the angels will beg Allah to forgive you. O my son! Try to offer some (nafl) salah in your home too. O my son! If when you leave your house, you make salam to whichever Muslim you see, you will return home forgiven. O my son! Whenever you enter your house, say salam upon yourself and your family. [This will be a source of Barakah - blessing- for you and them] O my Son! If you are able to spend your day and night without having malice for anybody in your heart, then do so as this will make your hisab (accountability in the court of Allah) easy. O my son! This is my Sunnah. Whoever revives/ loves my Sunnah loves me, and will be with me in Jannah. O my son! If you follow my advice, there will be nothing more beloved to you than death.” (Musnad Abi Ya’la & Al-Mu’jamus Saghir, Majma’uz zawaaid, vol.1 pgs. 271-272)
Name: Abu Umar Hafs bin Sulaiman ibn Mugheerah ibn Abi Dawood Al Asadi Al Kufi Al Bazzaz. Commonly known as Hafs, the student of Imam Asim. He is also his adopted son, being the son of his wife. Birth: 90 A.H. Death: 180 A.H. He was born in Kufa and grew up there. Then he travelled to Baghdad with Imam Asim (rahimahullah). He then travelled to Makkah Mukarramah remaining the neighbor of the Baitullah until he became an Imam of Qiraat and he spent the rest of his life teaching it. This Qiraat is perhaps the most famous Qiraat in the world. Among his students are: Husain ibn Muhammad Al Mirwazi, Amr bin Sabah, Ubaid bin Sabah, Fadl bin Yahya Al Ambari, Abu Shuaib Al Qais and others The Sanad of his Qiraat: Imam Hafs learnt Qiraat from Imam Asim. Imam Asim learnt Qiraat from Abdur Rahman As Sulami who narrates from Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib (Radiyallahu Anhu) The scholars also praised him. Allamah Zahabi (Rahimahullah said, “He is authentic and strong in the field of Qiraat.” Abu Hisham Ar Rafi (Rahimahullah) said, “Imam Hafs (Rahimahullah) is the most knowledgeable in the Qiraat of Imam Asim (Rahimahullah)….” Ibnul Munadi (Rahimahullah) said, “He recited to Imam Asim (Rahimahullah) many times and is the foremost of his students …” And Allah Ta'ala Knows Best darulihsan
Sayyidah ‘Aaishah (radhiyallahu ‘anha) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, “The one who seeks the pleasure of Allah Ta‘ala through (carrying out an action which is pleasing to Allah Ta‘ala, but is) displeasing (to) people, then Allah Ta‘ala will suffice him against the difficulty of the people (i.e. the difficulty he experiences from them), and the one who seeks the pleasure of people through (carrying out an action which is pleasing to people, but is) displeasing (to) Allah Ta‘ala, Allah Ta‘ala will abandon him and leave him to the people (i.e. he will lose the divine assistance of Allah Ta‘ala and will be left at the mercy of the people).” (Sunan Tirmidhi) In this blessed hadeeth, we are taught that if a believer is ever in a situation where he is forced to choose between pleasing Allah Ta‘ala at the expense of displeasing people, and pleasing people at the expense of displeasing Allah Ta‘ala, then he must ensure that he pleases Allah Ta‘ala. It should be borne in mind that if a person is able to please people and also please Allah Ta‘ala, in such a manner that his Deen is not compromised in any way and people are also happy, then this will be the ideal. However, there are times when a person is unable to please both Allah Ta‘ala and people, as the decision that the people want him to make or action they want him to carry out is in direct conflict with the command of Allah Ta‘ala. In this case, a believer must place his loyalty to Allah Ta‘ala above all else and ensure that he pleases Allah Ta‘ala. For example, if a person’s family wish for him to attend a mixed function (i.e. a gathering with no purdah, segregation, etc.), or a function in which there will be music, photography and other similar sins, then in such a case, he should ensure that he pleases Allah Ta‘ala by not attending the function, though it will result in his family being displeased. Through one remaining faithful to Allah Ta‘ala and pleasing Him, one will acquire the divine assistance of Allah Ta‘ala. Hence, Allah Ta‘ala will suffice him against the harm or ill treatment which people wish to inflict upon him. On the contrary, if one gives preference to pleasing people, then Allah Ta‘ala will abandon him and leave him to the people. Thereafter, it is most likely that the very people whom he tried to please, and for whose sake he displeased Allah Ta‘ala, will turn their backs on him, causing him to become a loser in this world and the next. In regard to the futility of a person making it his mission to try and please all people, Imaam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah) once advised his student, Yunus bin Abdil Aa’laa (rahimahullah), saying, “Pleasing people is a goal which is unattainable (i.e. you will never be able to please and satisfy every person at all times), and there is no way that you will be able to remain safe from (the criticism and negative remarks of) people. Hence, (do not be concerned about pleasing people and about their negative remarks, but rather) concern yourself with that which will benefit you and firmly hold onto it (i.e. pleasing Allah Ta‘ala etc.).” (Siyaru Aa’laamin Nubalaa vol. 10, pg. 89) From this golden advice of Imaam Shaafi‘ee (rahimahullah), we learn that our primary focus and concern in life should be to please and obey Allah Ta‘ala. If we acquire the divine happiness of Allah Ta‘ala, then we will be successful in this world and the next. May Allah Ta‘ala bless us all with His divine pleasure, aameen. uswatulmuslimah
Bismi Llahir Rahmanir Rahim by Naielah Ackbarali The Prophet ﷺ said: “A Muslim does not perform ablution (wuḍūʾ) and perfect it, and offer prayer, except that he will be forgiven (for his sins) during the period from one prayer to the next.” [Bukhari] Perfecting the ablution (wuḍūʾ) means to perform it completely with its sunna actions and etiquettes. AlhamduliLlah, through striving to beautify our worship and ensuring that it is done correctly, our sins will be washed away. Other narrations indicate that the gates of Paradise are opened for the person who perfects their ablution (wuḍūʾ). This is an encouragement for all Muslims to be avid to offer the best ablution (wuḍūʾ) possible to Allah Most High. The following is a step-by-step guide for both men and women of how to make ablution (wuḍūʾ) in the most complete form, as outlined by scholars from the Hanafi madhhab. Before Beginning: Remove any filth from one’s body or clothes, like blood, urine, feces, or the like. Remove any barrier that would prevent water from reaching the skin or hair, like tight rings, nail polish, dried dough, paint, fake eyelashes, fake nails, or waterproof makeup. Continue reading here
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on Surah Ad-Duha, a chapter that resonates deeply, especially during times of uncertainty and hardship. This surah, revealed to the Prophet ﷺ in a period of anxiety, reminds us of Allah’s unwavering care for His creation. At that time, the Prophet ﷺ had not received revelation for some time, and the disbelievers mocked him, claiming that Allah had forsaken him. But the opening verses brought divine reassurance: “By the forenoon, and by the night when it grows still. Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He become displeased.” (93:1-3) This imagery beautifully illustrates the ups and downs of life. We all go through periods of difficulty, but just as the sun rises after a dark night, Allah's mercy and relief follow times of hardship. He has not abandoned us, and this is a constant truth we can hold onto. What I find particularly comforting is the promise in the verse: “And your Lord will give you, so you will be pleased.” (93:5). This verse reassures us that Allah is fully aware of our struggles and has already prepared something better for us. For the Prophet ﷺ, this was the acceptance of his intercession for his ummah. For us, it is an invitation to trust in Allah’s wisdom and care - we may not always understand why we face delays or challenges, but trusting in His plan brings inner peace. The surah then guides the Prophet ﷺ, and by extension, all of us, to reflect on the blessings we’ve already received: “Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? And He found you unaware, then He guided you And He found you in need and made you need-free.” (93:6-8). Often, when we are overwhelmed by difficulties, we overlook the blessings that have been showered upon us. By taking a moment to recognize these gifts, we remind ourselves of Allah’s constant mercy and care, which surrounds us even in times of hardship. Finally, Surah Ad-Duha calls us to action: “So as for the orphan, do not oppress him, and as for the petitioner, do not repel him. But about the blessings of your Lord, proclaim them.” (93:9-11). This teaches us that, even in our own moments of struggle, we should remain proactive in helping others and sharing the blessings we’ve received. Our struggles do not exempt us from offering kindness and support to those in need. I hope this reflection brings you comfort and serves as a reminder that after every dark night, there is a dawn. Allah’s mercy is near, and His plan for you is greater than you can imagine. White Thread Press
Since October 7, 2023, the conflict between Israel and Hamas has escalated into one of the most devastating periods in the history of the region, with dire consequences for the civilian population in Gaza and the broader Palestinian territories. This escalation is not an isolated incident but rather part of a long-standing struggle that dates back to the mid-20th century. Historical Context The roots of the conflict can be traced to 1947, when the United Nations proposed a partition plan to create separate Jewish and Arab states in Palestine. This plan was rejected by Arab leaders, leading to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the establishment of the state of Israel. In the aftermath, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced, an event they refer to as the Nakba, or "catastrophe." Since then, the region has witnessed repeated cycles of violence, territorial disputes, and a series of wars and uprisings. The Current Escalation Gaza, home to some 2.3 million people, bears little resemblance to what it was a year ago. Israeli attacks have reduced entire neighbourhoods to rubble, erased centuries-old mosques and churches and destroyed vital agricultural lands. The scale of destruction in this small area of just 365sq km (141sq miles) is so immense that many residents cannot return home - and likely won't be able to for the foreseeable future. Humanitarian Impact The human cost of this recent conflict has been catastrophic: Casualties: As of now, thousands of Palestinians have been killed, including a significant number of women and children. Hospitals in Gaza report that they are overwhelmed with the influx of injured civilians. In contrast, Israeli casualties have also been significant, including both military and civilian losses. Displacement: The violence has caused massive displacement within Gaza, with hundreds of thousands fleeing their homes in search of safety. Refugee camps are overcrowded, lacking essential supplies like food, water, and medical care. The Israeli military has repeatedly hit the camp of some 116,000 registered refugees, with United States-made 2,000-pound bombs, killing hundreds of people. These bombs are among the largest and most destructive and can leave craters with a diameter greater than 40 feet (12 metres). Infrastructure Damage: Critical infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, and residential buildings, has been severely damaged or destroyed. This has resulted in widespread homelessness and has crippled access to essential services. The destruction of healthcare facilities is particularly alarming, as medical staff struggle to cope with the influx of patients and shortages of supplies. In the past year, Gaza's Government Media Office has recorded the complete destruction of at least 611 Masjids and the partial destruction of 214 Masjids due to Israeli attacks. Not far down the road from the Old City, in the heart of Gaza City's Remal neighbourhood, is the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG). IUG, together with al-Azhar University, are the two top universities in the Gaza Strip, providing higher education to tens of thousands of students each year. While both universities have been targeted in previous wars, this latest war has left their campuses completely devastated. Of Gaza’s 12 universities, none is left standing. In Remal neighbourhood is al-Shifa Hospital, the largest medical complex in the Strip and one of the first hospitals to come under attack. On November 15, Israeli soldiers surrounded the medical complex where thousands of Palestinians were sheltering. Five months later in April, it came under a two-week siege that left the hospital in ruins and hundreds of people dead. Over the past year, at least 114 hospitals and clinics have been rendered inoperative, leaving many patients without access to essential medical services. In central Gaza, lies Deir el-Balah, one of Gaza's main agricultural hubs, known for its cultivation of oranges, olives and, notably, dates. Israel has killed at least 41,000 people and injured nearly 100,000 others in bombings, by destroying healthcare that could have saved them, and by starvation. More than half (60 percent) of Gaza's farmland - crucial for feeding Gaza’s population of which 96 percent is food insecure, has been damaged or destroyed by Israeli attacks. Utter Destruction In just one year of war, the landscape of Gaza has altered almost unrecognisably. Almost 60 percent of Gaza has been damaged or destroyed. An estimated 75,000 tonnes of explosives have been dropped on Gaza with experts predicting it could take years to clear the debris amounting to more than 42 million tonnes, which is also rife with unexploded bombs. What Should We Do? The greatest means to attaining victory is strong Iman and good deeds. Allah’s promise of victory is reserved for those whose Iman is firmly embedded. This is because when Iman becomes deeply rooted in the believer’s heart, one is willing to sacrifice his desires and his personal gains for the sake of Allah’s din. On the eve of the Battle of Qadisiyyah, Sayyiduna Umar bin al-Khattab radiyallahu anhu advised Sayyiduna Saʿd bin Abi Waqqaṣ radiyallahu anhuma and his army: “Fear your sins more than you fear the enemy as your sins are more dangerous to you than your enemy. We Muslims are only victorious over our enemy because their sins outnumber ours, not for any other reason. If our sins were equal to those of our enemy, then they would defeat us due to their superior numbers and resources.” How many of our own transgressions are contributing to the weakness and predicaments facing Muslims around the world? Let us not allow our sins and failure to observe the fundamentals of Islam correctly become a stumbling block for the progress of the Ummah. Pray every single fardh Salah on time. Perform Salah in jama-ah in the Masjid, including Fajr. Ensure that Zakah is discharged timeously and correctly. Do not disobey your parents. Do not harm your spouse or children. Do not look at Haram. Be honest in dealings and transactions. Make sincere repentance. May Almighty Allah alleviate the struggles our brothers and sisters are enduring, remove the hardship and pain they are experiencing, bring them complete ease and immediate victory and destroy the enemies of Islam with a humiliating and crushing defeat, Ameen. Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Council of Muslim Theologians
Good marriages require patience, kindness, humility, sacrifice, empathy, love, understanding, forgiveness, and hard work. Following these basic principles should help any marriage to improve. The essence of them all can be summed up in one sentence: Always treat your spouse the way you would like to be treated. Amidst busy schedules and tasks on the parts of both women and men, Muslim husbands and wives tend to forget the real reasons behind marriage and likewise the rights of each other. Subsequently, they deprive themselves, their mates and their children of the happiness and tranquillity that is the bedrock of a successful family. This unbalanced vision towards a couple’s ideal relationship is bad enough to plunge the family into a situation laden with troubles and worries. 1) Negative Relationship between Husband & Wife Some Muslim spouses relate to each other like adversaries rather than life time partners. The husband assumes the position of dictator, and whatever he says is law. The wife on the other hand feels that she must squeeze everything she can out of her husband. Some wives do not express their gratitude to their husbands irrespective of how much the man may do for her. Instead they adopt an attitude of ‘never enough’ and make the husband feel like a failure if he does not provide every want and desire their extravagant lifestyles dictate. Some husbands speak very harshly to their wives, humiliate them, and even physically abuse them. Their wives have no voice or opinion in family matters. Moreover certain husbands become so cold and miserly that even the basic expenditure for the house is difficult to come by. 2) Nikah – A divine institution The Nikah bond has been divinely established for the welfare and upkeep of a healthy and progressive community. This divine prescription has been unjustly utilised as a vehicle to perpetrate oppression, deception, humiliation, and abuse. Allah Ta’ala describes marriage very differently in the Noble Quran: "And from his signs are, He created for you wives from among yourselves, so that you may live in tranquillity with them, and instilled love and mercy between your (hearts)…“ (30:21) 3) Head of the Home The position Islam has accorded to the man as the head of the home is a responsibility which will be accounted for, rather than a privilege which should be abused. We are taught to treat our wives well. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has reported to have said: "The person possessing the most perfect faith is one who has excellent behaviour, and the best among you are those who are best towards their wives”. (Mishkaat) 4) Be Partners in Decision Making Follow the principle of ‘Shura,” (consultation) and make decisions as a family. Implementing this Sunnah within the home increases harmony and love between family members. It will also assist in enhancing trust and loyalty between spouses and the children. 5) Abuse Abstain totally from every form of emotional, mental, or physical abuse to your spouse. 6) Watch Your Words Be very careful what you say when you are upset. The wounds afflicted to the heart of a person by words will never heal and remain a lifelong memory. Sometimes you will say things that you would never say when you were not angry. Apply the directives found in the Hadith for suppression of anger. 7) Work Together in the House Occasionally Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) occasionally assisted his wives with household chores. When Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) did not consider the housework trivial, how can we today obligate our wives to all the house work and much more? 8) Communication is Important Talk to each other, communicate, have a dialogue, but do it respectfully. Husbands and wives need to talk to each other. It is better to deal with problems early and honestly than to let them pile up until they explode. 9) Live Simply Do not envy or cast your gaze towards those spouses who seem to be living a more luxurious life than your family. Be pleased with what you have. The grass will always look greener on the other side. The wealthiest person is the one who has attained contentment of heart. To develop the quality of contentment, look at those people who have less than you, not those who have more. Repeatedly thank Allah Ta’ala for the many blessings in your life. 10) Admit Your Mistakes When you make a mistake, admit it. When your mate makes a mistake, excuse him or her easily. If possible, never sleep angry with each other. 11) Past Problems Everything that has happened is history. Repent for the past and live for the future. Do not focus discussion on the past unless it is something that will make both of you laugh. The Dua for a blissful marriage: Rabbana hab lana min azwaajinaa wa zurriyyatina qurrata a-ayun waj-alna lil muttaqeena imaama (O Allah! grant us such wives and offspring who will be a source of coolness for our eyes, and make us leaders of the Allah-Fearing). Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Council of Muslim Theologians
Killing of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is the latest salvo in a decades-long battle By Al Jazeera Staff Published On 18 Sep 202418 Sep 2024 The conflict between Hezbollah and Israel – which have been exchanging fire across the border of Israel and Lebanon since the start of the war on Gaza last October – has descended into “war”, Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr has reported from Beirut. Hezbollah confirmed that its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, had been killed in an Israeli air strike on residential buildings in Beirut, which Israel claimed were above Hezbollah’s headquarters, on the night of Friday, September 27. Ali Karki, the commander of Hezbollah’s southern front, and other Hezbollah commanders, were also killed in the massive air attack on Beirut’s southern suburb of Dahiyeh on Friday, the Israeli military claimed. Continue here: The history of conflict between Hezbollah and Israel | Hezbollah News | Al Jazeera
The history of Jerusalem The history of Jerusalem is the history of a living city perhaps unlike that of any other in the world. History A capital question UN resolutions The old city of Jerusalem Al-Jazeera
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An Upbringing of Piety (Mother of Moulana Sayyid Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi [rahimahumallah]) The greatest accomplishment of Khairun Nisaa (rahimahallah) and the highlight of her life was perhaps the exemplary manner in which she raised and moulded her son, Moulana Sayyid Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (rahimahullah). Moulana was orphaned at the tender age of nine. It was thus his mother who single-handedly attended to his upbringing. Khairun Nisaa was extremely kind and compassionate towards her son, especially since he had lost his father. However, there were two aspects regarding which she was unrelenting and extremely strict. The first was Salaah In this regard, she would not tolerate even the slightest negligence or laziness. If her son ever fell asleep without performing his Esha Salaah, she would wake him up and make him perform it, even if he was in a very deep sleep. Similarly, she would wake him up at the time of Fajr Salaah and send him to the masjid. Thereafter, when he would return after salaah, she would make him sit and recite the Quraan Majeed. The second aspect regarding which she was very strict and firm was his behaviour with the servants and the poor. If he ever ill-treated a servant or the servant’s child, or displayed arrogance and treated them rudely, she would force him to ask them for forgiveness and beg their pardon. Moulana explained the great impact that this had on him throughout his life in the following words, “This (approach, which my mother adopted,) benefited me greatly in my life and instilled within me the intolerance for pride, arrogance and oppression. It also impressed upon me the seriousness of the sin of looking down at people and treating them badly. Furthermore, due to this, it was always easy for me to acknowledge my mistakes (throughout my life).” When Moulana went to Lucknow to study, his mother continued to monitor his progress and check on him through his step-brother. She also continued to write letters to him, advising him and giving him guidance in various areas of his life. Lessons Although it outwardly seems as though she was only strict regarding two aspects, the reality is that she actually impressed to her son the importance of the entire Deen. The reason is that Deen is primarily divided into the duties of Allah Ta‘ala and the duties of the creation. By being strict on salaah, she instilled the importance of the first category of duties in his heart, and by being strict on his behaviour with the servants and the poor, she instilled the importance of the second category in his heart. Even after Moulana grew older and left home to pursue his Deeni studies, his mother remained concerned over his progress and continued to check on him and advise him. This is because the parents’ concern for their child is until they die. Hence, parents must never stop making dua for their children, and so long as they are able to, they must continue to advise them and encourage them towards righteousness. UswatulMuslimah