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Everything posted by Rochdi

  1. If Allah Is Listening, -Which is eternally the case- Then He will grant us a better place! Among the Prophets And those who ride the heavenly race! If The Heavens Are Open, -Which is the yearly phase- Then, In Sha’a Allah, this Ramadan; Allah Will Guide us through the smoggy maze! Rochdi Bouille July 23, 2012
  2. Hands, forehead and nose Hands, knees and toes; A Sajdah Pleases the Mu’min And enrages the foes! How blissful is the wind which blows Between the members of a body lost In the remembrance of He to whom, Every living entity prostrates and bows. Hands, forehead and nose Hands, knees and toes; A Sajdah Pleases the Mu’min And enrages the foes! Only the Mu’min knows The light which, inside the heart, Incessantly burns and glows. Hands, forehead and nose Hands, knees and toes; A sajdah Pleases the Mu’min And enrages the foes! Rochdi Bouille July 23, 2012
  3. "Exalted is He and high above what they describe" He Is ALLAH; My Lord. Who Bestowed Mariam The utmost miraculous pregnancy. He Is ALLAH; My Lord. Who Sent the glorious prophecy And Made Muhammad’s Light Brightly glow. He Is ALLAH; My Lord. Through Whose Eternal Mercy, The wind-soldiers incessantly blow. He Is ALLAH; My Lord. Whom I remember With a tongue sometimes fast And other times; slow. He Is ALLAH; My Lord. His Blessings are like a river Which will eternally flow. Rochdi Bouille
  4. Our success lies in our ability to stand firmly on the right path! We shall always win over the nafs and its luring whispers if we stay away from anything which may lead us astray! As long as we stick to our deen, shaytaan will lose!
  5. "As long as we remain far away from the thorny path of the devil, we shall always have the upper hand"
  6. It is related that one day Shaqiq al-Balkhi asked his student Hatim Al-Asamm, "How long have you kept my company?" "Thirty-three years," he replied. "And what have you learned from me in all this time?" "Eight things," he said. "We belong to Allah and we return to him!" exclaimed Shaqiq. "You have spent your whole life with me and only learned eight things! What are they?" "Firstly," replied Hatim, "I looked at mankind and I saw that everyone loves something and continues to do so. When he goes to his grave, whatever he loved leaves him. Therefore I made my good actions what I love, for when I enter the grave they will enter it along with me." "You have done well," said Shaqiq. "What is the second?" "The second is that I examined the words of the Almighty, 'But as for him who feared the Station of his Lord and forbade the self its appetites, the Garden shall be his refuge.' (79:40-41) Knowing that the words of the Almighty are true, I strove against myself to keep my appetites at bay until I was firm in Allah Almighty. The third is that I looked at people and saw that everyone has something of worth which they value and protect. Then I looked at the words of the Almighty, 'What is with you comes to an end. But what is with Allah is everlasting.' (16:96) So whenever something of value comes to me, I direct it to Allah Almighty so that it may remain with Him for me. The fourth is that I looked at Allah's creatures and saw that all of them set much store by property, reputation, honor, and lineage. I examined those things and found them to be nothing. Then I looked at the words of the Almighty, 'The noblest among you in Allah's sight is the most god fearing of you.' (49:13) So I set much store by fear of Allah so that I might be noble in His sight. The fifth is that I looked at people and I found that some of them attacked others and some of them cursed others; and I realized that the reason they did that was envy. Then I looked at the words of the Almighty, 'We have meted out among them their livelihood in the life of this world.' (43:32). So I abandoned envy and enmity towards creation, knowing that what is allotted to me will and must reach me. The sixth is that I saw that people fought and were hostile to one another. I looked for my true enemy and found it to be Shaytan and indeed Allah Almighty says, 'Shaytan is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy.' (35:6) So I made him my enemy and loved everyone else. The seventh is that I looked at mankind and found them seeking excessive wealth and abasing themselves because of it. I looked at the words of the Almighty, 'There is no creature on the earth whose provision is not with Allah alone.' (11:6) I realized that I am one of those who are provided for and so I busied myself with Allah Almighty and abandoned everything else besides Him. The eighth is that I looked at people and I saw that they relied on different things: one on his commerce, another on his profession, and yet another on his health. Every creature was relying on another creature! I looked at the words of the Almighty, 'And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He is enough for him.' (65:3) Therefore I put my trust in Allah Almighty." "Hatim," said Shaqiq, "Allah has given you success, and you have left nothing out.’He gives wisdom to whomever He wishes.'
  7. Allah Exists Allah is The Eternal, Let’s clear the mists And hearken the internal!
  8. Did you ever wonder why Each time the twilight comes into sight, We feel strangely in need Of letting out that lengthy sigh? Did you ever wonder why We have goosebumps, Upon hearing the words of Allah And most of the time; we start to cry? Did you ever wonder why Every time, someone disappears Leaving behind him burning tears; We feel as though we are about to die? Did you ever wonder why Whenever we want to make a dua'a We raise our hands And automatically look at the sky? Rochdi Bouille July 14, 2012
  9. Do you want to know how successful you are? Measure the distance between you and Allah Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala! How close are you to your creator? Are you struggling to tame that so-called “indomitable” Nafss? Did you declare an open and merciless war against the devil? Did you make of shaytaan your enemy? Do you want to know how successful you are and how successful you can be? Measure the distance between you and Allah!
  10. You were never walking to them anyways!
  11. You can sin, Steal, lie And do mischievous acts! Gain health, Wealth And with the devil; Sign burning pacts! How long? How strong? You can sin, Steal and lie; You shall die! You shall die! Rochdi Bouille June 13, 2012
  12. "Trust Allah! Walk on the straight path! Even if you have to step on iron thorns!"
  13. Subhaan Allah! He made the plants gently grow. Subhaan Allah! Repeat, Subhaan Allah! As the sun brightly glow. Subhaan Allah! Repeat, Subhaan Allah! As the seas smoothly ebb and flow. Subhaan Allah! Repeat, Subhaan Allah! With a tongue sweet and slow. Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Beautify! Purify, your tongue! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Sanctify your heart, Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Make it clean, Make it strong ! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Inject love! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Project love! Subhaan Allah! Repeat, Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Subhaan Allah! Rochdi Bouille March 28, 2012
  14. (Subhaan Allah!)Subhaan Allah!He made the plants gently grow.Subhaan Allah!Repeat, Subhaan Allah!As the sun brightly glow.Subhaan Allah!Repeat, Subhaan Allah!As the seas smoothly ebb and flow.Subhaan Allah!Repeat, Subhaan Allah!With a tongue sweet and slow.Subhaan Allah!Subhaan Allah!Subhaan Allah!Beautify!Purify,your tongue!Subhaan Allah!Subhaan Allah!Subhaan Allah!Sanctify your heart,Subhaan Allah!Subhaan Allah!Subhaan Allah!Make it clean, Make it strong !Subhaan...

  15. Allah;Lord of all the creation.Allah;Grants the earth a rotation.Allah;Endows the soul with an inspiration.Allah;Though Merciful without limitation.So terrible is His wrathAnd from His straight path,He doesn't accept no deviation.

  16. He is the one I turn to,In time of joy or In time of sorrow.And He is the one I love tooFor He is my LordThe owner of my day,And of my uncertain tomorrow.

  17. With herLittle BrittleCold hand,She wrote:I.S.L.A.MOn the hot sand;And all of a suddenLight came out of the spotOn which she used to stand.It was a dreamPainted by the screamOf the river stream.The dream was herNobody could take it awayNo, nobody, No way!With herLittle BrittleCold hand,She wrote:I.S.L.A.MOn the hot sand;And it wasAs though the landBecame “another land”Only serene lightsRadiant smilesAnd peaceful nights.No injusticeNo miseryNo war,No obscu...

  18. Ask Allah and He will give.

  19. He who seeks Allah will find Allah!

  20. “Candlewick”I dug the leaves outAnd, of the doors,Kept the vampires out.I saw gloomy featuresDrawing up blurred picturesRight on the screen of my mind.Hatred, sorrow and rageMixed up with the rumors of backstage.Some feathersTightened in the narrow meshes,Were writing their deliriumWith the remains of the still-hot ashes.And the green,Riding the wavy track,Was strugglingTo bring the butterfly back.I dug the leaves outTo find… But a territory of doubt,Stretching his ar...

  21. Every day is a new page in the Book of Divine Love.

  22. " Work for your spot in the shade on the day when their will only be his shade,The things you love today, they will all fade awayRemember the story of the cave, even though they were afraidThe youth knew the truth so they still remained braveThe same goes today, cause even rain goes awayAnd after the clouds the sun comes out to playSo expect brighter days, and declare all praiseTo the one with no son, in need of no aid." Boonaa Mohammed.

  23. Why Women CryA little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?""Because I need to" she said."I don't understand," he said.His mother just hugged him and said, "And you never will."Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?""All women cry for no reason," his dad answered carelessly.The little boy, still wondering why women cry, finally asked the old wise shaikh (scholar). "He surely knows the answer", he thought."Ya Shaikh! Why do women...

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