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Everything posted by Rochdi

  1. "If Allah Is not present in the love equation, The result will be: a distorted calculation!"
  2. 'This life looks like an over-crowded airport! Some souls are landing and others are ready to take off! While you are still queuing up, waiting for your fatal departure, be careful whom you're standing with and don't forget your luggage; especially that "Good deeds" suitcase!'
  3. Don’t try to hide, That glittering tear. Victory is granted, To those who persevere. Don’t try to hide, That glittering tear. Victory is granted, To those, Whose heart knows; No fear! Rochdi Bouille September 23, 2012
  4. Jazaki Allah Khayer For your Enlightening posts! May Allah Bless You, Always!
  5. Allah Hears, The sighing, Allah Heals, The fears! Allah Sees, The grain of sand, Beneath the deep dark seas! Allah Knows, His truthful allies, And those, Who propagate lies! Allah Knows, His enemies and foes! Allah knows, What the eyes, Hide, And what grows; Inside! Rochdi Bouille November 14, 2012
  6. "How strange it is when we know that The Ever-Watchful is aware of what we do but we keep ignoring His presence!"
  7. While we are still alive, While we still have time; Let’s choose wisely. It's either Allah; Or "the lowest of the low"!
  8. Do you remember A’ad and Thamood? And all those generations, Who witnessed the wrath of Allah, And who couldn’t grasp the merciful message of Al Wadood? Do you remember A’ad and Thamoud? And that old Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him; Who built –In spite of the mocking crowd – A ship made of nails and wood? Do you remember A’ad and Thamood? And all those generations, Who witnessed the wrath of Allah, And who couldn’t grasp the merciful message of Al Wadood? Do you remember A’ad and Thamood? And that illiterate Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, Who fought idolatry, And who proclaimed the oneness of Rabb Al Wujood? Do you remember A’ad and Thamood? And that illiterate Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him; Who talked incessantly, about the tremendous importance of Sujood? The Message is still the same, A light from heaven; came! Seek the love! Fear the Furious Flame! Rochdi Bouille October 26, 2012
  9. Captain strange is his name, Neither interested in wealth, Nor haunted by fame! Captain strange is his name, Always nourishing the faithful flame. A leader; always winning the inequitable game! Captain strange is my hero, He walks humbly and he tells no lies. Captain strange is my hero, He seems to have the answer; To all the Whats and Whys! When everybody is sleeping, Captain strange is wide awake, Praying and weeping; till dawn’s break! "Who is he?" You ask "Who is he?" Captain strange could be you! Captain strange could be me! Captain strange is the real you, And the real me! Captain strange is that light; Fighting its way through the superficial you, The superficial me! Rochdi Bouille October 21, 2012
  10. Pallor, Is the color; Of the weak! Don't remain, In a cocoon dreary and bleak. Speak the truth, Just speak! The door of repentance is open, Seven days a week!
  11. Courage is the weapon of the brave! Qur’an is the lamp of the somber grave!
  12. "The more we move away from our religion, the weaker we become!"
  13. "There is a place beyond these grey frightening mountains; a place known only to me and it’s called “Zambroodya”. Zambroodya is a land of peace, a land where the double sun rises everyday; with a different new color. In Zambroodya, I built a hut and I stood before the green ocean; contemplating the movement of the silky waves… No! No! Wait a minute! This is not what I wanted to say! I wanted to say that: “When the suffocating smog of the earthly world starts to take hold of m y fainting strength, I seek refuge in meditation! The restfulness which is provided by the creation of Allah Almighty makes me regain the energy which I lost. Subhaan Allah! The Creator and The Fashioner! Indeed, Allah provides our soul with all the necessary tools which enable us to transcend the trivial and the futile. He, Subhaanhu Wa Ta’ala, makes us turn back to Him through several ways… waves? Did I say waves? Yes, these are emotional invisible waves circulating through our being! Communion with Allah through nature! Subhaan Allah! My Rabb Has injected His eternal Mercy into every little particle of His Creation! I see those birds flying around, whistling incomprehensible words and I know that a message is being shared! A message of Love and Mercy. A message that has to be decrypted in order to reach that happiness engendered by the contemplation of the creation of Allah! Alhamdulillah for the innumerable blessings of Allah! The eyes contemplate, the ears listen, the mind records, the heart feels, the tongue praises and thanks and the soul seems to float between two realms! La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhaanak!”
  14. I don’t know why but whether willingly or unwillingly, in our moments of solitude ; we always tend to raise our head and look at the sky! I don’t know why but I think that it is probably because it’s up there that we desire to be! Or because we feel that comfort and relieve will not come but from Him! In fact what we feel inside ourselves is a sort of nostalgia! An inhibited homesickness for our real home; located up there! There is a reason behind all those feelings of incomprehensible sadness and inexplicable sorrow! Our Lord Has injected that innate longing for the heavenly abode in the heart of every one of us and every one of us caresses the desire to be with Him! Every one of us wants to see Him! He is our Creator, The One who fashioned us, The One who bestows upon us His innumerable blessings. O Allah, Ya Rabb! Dunya has been swallowing me up, it has taken my steps away from your path, it has implanted its claws into my soul and it has veiled my eyes! O Allah, Ya Rabb! Now, it’s your Love which has awakened the dormant heart of this sinful slave of yours! It’s your Love which has opened my eyes to the real! You are the Truth; everything else is fake and is doomed to fade away! Everything else will disappear and Only You will remain! O Allah, Ya Rabb! Forgive my weakness! Overlook my shortcomings! Guide me to Your Heavenly Noor! Ya Rabb! I am just a poor and impotent slave and I am nothing without you! I Love you my Lord! I Love you Ya Rabb! Please forgive me! Forgive me! Forgive me!
  15. We are Al Mu'minoon; those who surrendered to the will of Allah! We are Al Mu'minoon! Those who have made of piety their way of life, those who have made of Al Akhira their primordial concern, those who have given more emphasis to their way of conduct. We are Al Mu'minoon; those men and women who struggle everyday, to share the light of Islam. We are Al Mu'minoon; we have declared an open war to shaytaan and to his soldiers of darkness and we have forsaken anything which may bring about Allah’s wrath: out of fear, yes! But most importantly: out of love. We are Al Mu’minoon: we are the strangers; we look strange to the misguided. In fact, we sometimes feel that we are really estranged by this lowest of the low. Our home is not here, our home is beyond! Beyond the material mortal confines of dunya; our home is there up above and this is why we feel so strange! In our fist we hold confidently to that burning stone, we stick firmly to that heavenly rope and we have hope; we have hope in Allah and we trust Him Subhaanahu Wa Ta’ala! We are Al Mu’minoon, we have “believed in Allah and His Angels and His Books and His Messengers and we make no distinction between any of His Messengers” [And they say : « We hear and we obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the (final) destination.]
  16. Death is the topic that most people try to avoid! A Mu'min is the one who is able to face death with a big smile for he knows for sure that it's the only way out to the realm to which he naturally belongs: Paradise! Beyond death there is much more than that, beyond death there is Allah's countenance; if we have to be afraid of something then it's of our deeds! As long as we fear Allah and as long as we avoid his wrath there is no worry in the heart!
  17. My dry throat reminds me of those who live in hunger, my dry throat reminds me of those who cannot answer their subsistence needs; those who seem to live the experience of Sawm all along the year. My dry throat tells me about their feelings, their sadness and their weakness. My dry throat cannot silence the pain! If you can afford to have breakfast, lunch and dinner; many people can’t! Ramadan is also here to make us share some of their feelings and to open our eyes to the realities that shaytaan wants us to overlook! Say Alhamdulillah for the blessings of Allah and remember the poor when you sit before those multicolored dishes!
  18. Prostration, Spirit’s emancipation! No tam-tam tedious thud, No statue of gold! No, no statue of mud! It’s only in my Salah that I find serenity! Prostration, Senses’ liberation! No misleading frantic heresy, No; no guru’s overflowing vanity! It’s only in my Salah that I find serenity! Prostration, Divine vibration! No hectic pagan’s idolatry No, no fabricated trinity! It’s only in my Salah that I find serenity! Prostration, Secret communication! No yoga weird posture, No mesmerizing fragrance; Of the carnal impostor! It’s only in my Salah that I find serenity! No kneeling down, Before the cross of wood! No sermon whatsoever, No; no corroded brotherhood! It’s only in my Salah that I find serenity! Rochdi Bouille August 1, 2012
  19. Strength is injected into my heart, it's not a human syringe; It's Divine Love. If I'm weak, I'm just a human being and if I'm strong; It's only thanks to Him.
  20. A heart deprived of Imaan and taqwa is a blind heart; unable to perceive the light of the truth! A man who is living within the borders of al haraam is totally blind! He sees only dunya's surface level and is therefore; too deviated and too astray from the real significance of his reason of being. The heart is the core and the essence; if it is clean and pure, then everything else will be just a reflection of how good and pure is the person who possesses a such heart.Envy, hatred, evil thoughts and all the badness that may form the furniture of the blind heart are very descriptive of someone who is far away from Allah! If you want an enlightened heart, get closer to Allah and watch THE MIRACLES!
  21. No darkness is thicker than that which may prevail inside a blind heart!
  22. My feet are bleeding and my face has unwillingly worn the colour of darkness but in my heart, the sweet melody of divine love is stil echoing! My Imaan is stronger than the tests of dounya! Allah is my guide through darkness!
  23. Beauty is that transcendental beam of light which emanates from the aura of a righteous soul. It is that heavenly fragrance which rises above the trivial and which pierces the physical limitations and the corporal boundaries of the ephemeral. It is that inexplicable light which fights its way through the ordinary senses. Beauty is that glittering drop of water falling down from your wet beard as you stand before Allah Almighty and say: Allahu Akbar!
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