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  1. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg comes in 100th richest persons of the world. He was just 19 years old when he launched facebook which beats several professionally runned social websites like orkut and others having billion dollars of budget with proper team. Had he thought he was too young to start something innovative, he would have been never known today… The messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him) would view youth as a opporunity to spread the Islamic guidelines to future generations. Scholars write that teaching youth was his utmost priority this was because he’d view them as future scholars leading the nations. Ibn Abbas got special dua from the messenger himself despite the fact he was just a kid. Aisha r.a was just 18 years old when the messenger of Allah passed away, yet she had learned so much by that time. Her knowledge was above and superior to many old companions..and there are so many other companions who were young but were on religious and social front leading the nation, one prominent example is of osama bin zaid r.a leading an army during one of the battles.. Amongst the finest examples of youth playing a significant role is the example of people of cave mentioned in Surah kahf verse 13 ” Indeed, they were youths who believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance.” Many people consider their age to be a stumbling block to success. Islamic essence doesnt consider it to be a stumbling block rather views it as an opporunity to sucess.. This is very much evident from the quotation of Az-Zuhri who addressed the youth saying: “Do not look down upon yourselves due to your young age for ‘Omar ibn al-Khattab used to call for the youth seeking their consultation due to their sharp minds when a new matter came to him.” For all the young ones out there, smell the coffee and yeild the best of it in all the domains of life either it’s social, religious or academic… .. fareedahmad
  2. Since this month is so important, we need to make a check list which we can follow throughout the month. Here is a sample check list for every one. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “At every breaking of the fast, Allah has people whom He redeems.” We might never get this month again in life, every second is important. Here are some questions you can include in your self analysis check list: Self analysis questions: Yes/no Did I offer all prayers on time today? Did I do morning and evening adhkaar? Did I read Quran along with meaning? Did I try to help any muslim/ or removed his problem? Did I give iftaar to any fasting person? Did I repent to Allah for the mistakes I made today? Did I offer the late night prayer (tahajjud)? Did I remember death/hereafter today? Approximate sins I committed today? Did i convey a good message (could be a hadith/Quranic verse)? Did I forbid evil today? Did I control my anger? Did I indulge in back biting? Did I treat my parents nicely today? (helped them, made du’a for them, took care of their needs and emotions, gave them gift, gave them time, talked to them etc) Did I ask Allah for Jannah thrice and sought His refuge from the Hell, thrice? Did I do any sort of bid’ah (innovation) today? Was I selfish in any way today? Add more questions. Take it upto 50. Final comment: Strive for the Hereafter according to how long you shall remain there, & strive for this world according to how long you shall remain here.
  3. Al Hasan Al Basri was a great eminent scholar of his time. Masses would often approach him with their problems seeking his advice. According to few narrations, once someone came to him, and asked his advice regarding growth of grain and wheat, "What should I do so that Allah makes my land fertile, increase my output in terms of farming?", the questioner asked. He replied: do repentance! Another time, a man came to him, seeking guidance to flourish his business, the reply was the same: do repentance. Then came a man with a question, about his children, yet the reply remained the same which was doing sincere repentance! Once his slave asked him, "I see different people coming up to you with their different problems, yet your answer remains the same. Seek repentance. Why is that so? He replied: Haven't you read the verses of Surah Noah: "Seek repentance from your Lord; Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving; 'He will send rain to you in abundance; And give you increase in wealth and children." ( ch. 71 verse 10 - 11) Even in the era we live today, problems are the same, and so is that ultimate solution. 1. With regards to rain, soil gets fertile, there's tremendous increase in grain, forests, shipping, supply gets more than local demand, and as a result export increases...and the list goes on. With regards to wealth, on an individual level, everyone wants to earn more money and honestly even I want to do that, for we all have been instilled with love for wealth. When it comes to children, everyone wants to have more children, who can take care of them when they're in need of them. On deeply pondering, we analyze most of our problems originate from above three reasons...which can be very easily solved by sincere repentance. The deal is open, but the question is when are we going avail it to get both the worlds? Author : Fareed Ahmad. [Admin edit: links removed. Leads to unnecessary picture]
  4. Have you heard about the new wave of feminists seeking to liberate women from the shackles of Islam by telling us to take part in a war against Islam! What do they want to free us from? Is it our Dignity they want to free us from? The fact that our creator didn’t just want us to be treated as mere sex-objects but protected us by commanding us to cover ourselves? That He made us sacred, so that if a man wants to be close to us he has to commit to us? Nudity only objectifies women further - when confronted with a topless woman, the last thing men are thinking about is how much they respect their cause and intelligence! Is it our History they want to free us from? That we were given the right to inheritance, to property, to be spiritual equals to men over a thousand years before women in Europe were? Is that what they want to liberate us from? Is it our Creator they want to free us from? Who knows us better than we know ourselves, who taught us to live not according to the whims and desires and subjective views of men whose moral lens keeps changing, but according to timeless moral principles that protect our interests and the interests of society? Is it our Messenger they want to free us from? Who, upon whom be peace, gave us as mothers three times more rights than fathers? If that is the case then they can keep their version of freedom. I am a slave - not to societal constructs, not to the subjective ideas of man, not to the morality of a materialistic society, but to Allah - my creator.
  5. Meaningful Ramadan OK folks so Ramadan is just around the corner & with all that Ramadan hype surrounding us, let's revise some tips for a better Ramadan ahead. Hints & tips for meaningful fasting: *The Qur’an declares Ramadhaan as the month to program our minds towards taqwa. It is not a month of eating & shopping. It's a month when Allah forgives multitudes of people - Muslims should know very well whether sins are forgiven in malls and eateries or ibadah. How right has Allah said: Wama adraka maa laylatul qadr? And what do you know what is Laylatul Qadr? Only if we knew what really is Laylatul Qadr?! *Remain Cheerful in spite of hunger, thirst and fatigue due to long travel, office work or exams. Don’t look as if Ramadhan is a burden on your appetite. Expressing love and affection in hardship is a display of a strong personality, where as nagging for petty things reflect your weak character. Implementing patience, tolerance (sabr) and (overlooking people’s faults) gives a fantastic charm to your face that no makeup or face pack can match. *There Has To Be No "because it's still 5 hours to go till iftaar, don't mess with me" attitude! How to look fresh? Don’t throw shouts at people rather be normal and join household chores as if you have just woke up and ready for a long day, even if you have just returned from a hectic day. Do you know it is possible? Go back to the glorious history of Islam. The great day of Badr. It was a hot summer of Ramadhaan, and yet the 313 soldiers of Islam ignored their hunger, thirst, broken weapons and went deep inside the enemy only to come out victorious. *Reveal the real-you: What did you do this Ramadhan? Is this year’s Ramadhan as past year if compared to your ibdadah and other virtuous deeds or a little faded one? Did you give up any deed that was a barrier between you and taqwa? Were your fasts a shield strong enough to protect you from the fire of hell? Or was your Ramadhan just a month of festival of food and shopping and more rest and little work? * Ponder this: "So that you may become people having Taqwaa." So Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, when He commands His believing servants, or obligates them with some Legislation, (then He) usually just mentions the command, without explaining the wisdom for it. This is because the general wisdom behind Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic¹s, placing duties upon His servants is that He should test them by it, so that it should become apparent (as to) those who will obey Him and those who will disobey Him, the Exalted and Most High. However in this aayah, He mentioned something that is not found frequently in the NobleQuraan, which is that He mentioned the reason for the order to Fast, by His Saying: So that you may become people of Taqwaa. So the wisdom behind the Believers to fast is not just that they should prevent themselves from enjoyable and permissible and good things, even though this is an obligation upon the fasting person - but this is not the only thing that is required and intended by this Fasting. So Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, concluded His command to fast by His Saying: So that you may become people of Taqwaa. Meaning: that the wisdom behind the prescription of Fasting is that the Muslim should increase in obedience to Allaah, the Exalted and Most High, in the month of Fasting, and become more obedient than he was before it. *Fasting is a great act of worship for the Muslim which he performs by neglecting his desires to please his Lord and hopes for His Reward. It just common sense that the one who would not give up desired things except that it would be for something more desirable. In this case the pleasure of Allah is the most sought after desire. Knowing this will make fasting more easy and pleasant! *Maximize your connection with the Book of Allah as much as you can this Ramadan. and increase your dua's to Allah. Ramadan has a strong connection with duas. *He who does not pray, or does not stop lying, or does not stay away from indecency but still fasts need to read the meaning of fasting once again. Don't just stay hungry, FAST! > Renew your connection with Allah's Speech. Try to understand the meaning. > While fasting don't just abstain from food & drink, but majorly from sins. > Plan for itikaaf. > Work on some inner self improvement program. > Be generous. Cough up some cash for worthy causes. Building a mosque, funding some dawah event, helping a deprived person? Options are endless. Think! End of Ramadan - words of wisdom: *If you cannot get your act together even in Ramadaan, there is no good in you. Almost every one changes in Ramadan, one way or the other. You see people frequent the masajid more, more Qur'an being recited, more charity, etc. Now look at yourself, do you see some positive change in yourself too? The answer hopefully is yes. This means that we all are actually capable of being good. We all are capable of doing more, of leaving the evil desires behind, of obeying Allah, of being a Muslim. Yes, we are capable. The change in us that we feel, the more number of people in the masajid is a proof of that. So O Muslims, know that you can become a better version of yourself. Don't let anyone stop you. Don't become what you thought you were. Become what you are capable of becoming (pious) and SOAR. *What are we going to do once Ramadaan is over? Get back to the old routine? The routine of music in bed, interest (riba) in dealings, gossip in gatherings, flirting in streets? The same old routine of neglecting salaah? Or have you decided to change, to really change, this time? A sign that our efforts have been accepted in Ramadaan is that we continue to do good even after Ramadaan. It does not mean that we fast every single day even after Ramadaan. We all know we will not be going to the masjid for naafil prayers outside of Ramadaan that often. Our recitation too would decrease. That's the reality. But still there must be (there should be!) some steps up the ladder that you took in Ramadaan. Let's say you have come up 100 steps. Now after Ramadaan, yes we might go down a few steps, say 30 steps down. Yes, that happens. Sure. But the point is: don't go crashing down. Don't go back to the initial zero state. Ramadaan is a time we change ourselves. We get freed from the prisons of our making; the prison of loss, of desires, of obsession, of blameworthy attachments, of addictions, of being a slave of our whims. Don't lose your freedom after Ramadaan. And how tragicit is when people acknowledge Allah only in Ramadaan... *We all tasted the sweetness of imaan in Ramadaan. More recitation, more Qur'an, more brotherhood, more frequenting the masajid, more prayers, more du'a. And we all rediscovered the beauty of Islam. We were reintroduced through fasting, through taraweeh, through charity, through long sujood at night that there is nothing more sweet than worshipping Allaah. Now that we know the other side of the story, now that we know where true peace lies, what are we going to do after Ramadan? Would we want to taste this sweetness of iman over and over again or would we prefer the bitter, restless, dark life of pursuing every sinful desire? Bottom line: Well, happy fasting!
  6. Happiness is in your emaan, in reading the Qur'an, in your daily Salah, in pleasing Allah, in loving Allah, in helping others, or even in making others smile. When you have no one, you have Allah with you. If you call on Him, He listens to you even if it’s in the middle of the night. If you have lost something or someone in life, know that Allah SWT will grant you something much better and there will be someone good in your life again. He takes and He gives. When you are in need, He is the first one who comes to your aid. He has truly blessed you with guidance and that's where the beauty lies. The beauty of Islam that shines inside of you. Loving Allah gives you so much peace. When you obey Him, you will find tranquillity. This is where your happiness lies, in being close to Allah. You need nothing else. You have Him - you have everything.
  7. Every one of us is tested in different ways. For some of us, it might be the excess of wealth, for others, the lack of wealth. For some, it might be in the avoidance of alcohol, for other, guarding one's tongue from speaking evil. Think long and hard about the struggle you are going through and then try to pass this test. Because if Allah tests you with the same trial again and again, there must be a lesson He wants you to master.
  8. So who is cooler and who makes more sense?! You decide! So this first guy is your typical everyday 19-year-old Pakistani guy living in Islamabad and Lahore or any other major city in Pakistan. He gets up every morning, shaves.. Because all ‘young’ people have to shave right ?! Because EVERYONE does it and says so right? .. The scratches, the itchiness, the stress on the face is all worth it because then he’ll get looked at by mates at Uni and if lucky, a pretty girl will stare at him and fall in love with him, yeah?! Hmmm.. Spends over 2 hours getting ready, combing every strand of his hair to perfection..! Creams his face.. Stares at the mirror almost asking the question.. “Mirror mirror on the wall..”!! He wears his tight jeans ’cause you know that’s the ‘in’ fashion nowadays! Doesn’t matter if they are uncomfortable.. Gotta look good ! Gotta look sharp!! Puts on his best shirt, perfumes himself, bye to the family, catch the ‘wagon’.. Maybe stare at the pretty girl! You know, cheap thrills, yeah! Hoping she would look back! But no she doesn’t!! Oh well, plenty more fish in the sea (Uni), he thinks. Gets to campus.. Meets his mates! High fives as if they are Americans – accidentally happen to be in Pakistan(!). Gets invited to a party or 2.. Then talk about cricket.. “What a shot, what a chakka!!”.. Followed by “The government is so messed up man.. Followed by “Did you see that girl in that lecture?” .. Followed by “Let’s go Munchies/Savour/McDonald’s later yaaaaaaaar!!”.. Followed by “Oh this amazing song in that Aamir Khan movie.. Wow yaaar!” or “Have you downloaded that new track by Radiohead/Rihanna/Atif Aslam?!” He misses all the prayers because none of his ‘friends ‘ are going to pray.. Plus he thinks he has got all his life to pray right?! Go Hajj when aged 40 and then pray regularly.. But right now I’m young! I’m cool! Wanna enjoy life! Death doesn’t come to youngsters at all right(!) right?! Then he talks about exams stress. Lack of money.. Wish he had a Bollywood-type girl friend, had a car.. And just complain about life.. Go to the lectures.. Chill out with mates.. Go home.. More studies.. Sleep.. But before he sleeps he thinks what a boring life.. Everyday a let-down.. Why am I not at peace..? Everyday I try hard to impress the people but the demands get higher! Next day he goes through the same routine. Excited in the morning followed by disappointment towards the end of the day.. Same conversations. Same complaints.. Same have-to-get-this-and-that-but-can’t-get-it thinking! Frustration.. Lack of peace.. Working hard to please people.. Neglecting his duties towards the ONE that made him and therefore risking… HELLFIRE! OR This other guy, who is also 19, that wakes up every morning to worships his Creator. He also goes to Uni dressed nicely, clean, without the intention of impressing his mates. HE decides what he wears and not be dictated by some freak obscure designer in Lahore, Milan or New York. He has a beard because he wants to emulate the greatest human being that ever lived! He goes to Uni and studies hard.. Greets his friends with greetings of peace and hand-shakes! The kind of mates he meets are those that are thinking deeply about life! The type of conversations he engages in are: “There is an Islamic lecture organised by YC [Youth Club].. Shall we go? We could all chip in for the taxi ride.” Followed by “Do you have any suggestions for concentrating during Salah [prayer]?” Followed by “Did you listen to that beautiful recitation by Qari so-and-so?”.. Then discuss a few points raised by a closet atheist. Conversations but intellectual productive ones. He prays his Salah.. He attends amazing thought-provoking, inspiring lectures after Uni. He has a vision for life based around worshiping the Creator. He is young, has feelings.. Wants a beautiful girl.. Some money.. Nice house.. To chill and relax.. But he knows not yet.. Not in this life.. He knows he needs to struggle and follow the commands of Islam on a daily level. His focus is excellence in worship because he knows that the wealth, the women, the fame, the compliments from people, the good food will either be given to him in this life, or better still, in.. Sure, he will try for some of these pretty things but in a halaal way and by not making it the sole purpose of his life.. JANNAH! So which guy do you want to be? The one that tries hard to please this world and tragically doesn’t get what he wants and potentially loses his hereafter? Or The guy who is at peace, looking beyond what the people think and more concerned about what the creator of those very people thinks and is aiming to get to Paradise?
  9. "Guide us to the straight path," (Surah Fatiha 1:5) Explanation: There is only one Surah we are required to recite every day a minimum of seventeen times a day (in the five daily Salah) and that is Surah Fatiha. The central verse of Surah Fatiha is a dua which Allah promises to accept and that dua is a dua for guidance. Guidance is the single most important thing a believer could ask for! It is more important than health, wealth and all worldly things, as without guidance we are lost in both worlds. Furthermore, guidance is not a once-off thing, we are constantly in need of Allah's guidance as we always slip and make mistakes, thus praying and reciting Surah Fatiha with concentration and understanding in every Salah every day is vital for keeping us on the straight path. So what about those of us who don't pray with understanding? Even worse, what about those of us who don't pray at all? How will we achieve success if we shun Allah’s guidance? Indeed it is a gift from Allah that he has given us this beautiful dua and opportunity to have it accepted so many times a day, how many of us appreciate and take advantage of this gift? #MeaningfulPrayer
  10. If we really wanted to wake up for Fajr, we would. If we really wanted to pray our prayers with utmost Khushoo’ and if we wanted to pray the Nawafil prayers, we would. If we really wanted to wear the appropriate hijaab and stop listening to music and start reciting the Qur’aan and obey our parents, we would. If we really wanted to learn Islam and make an effort for our Creator, we would. We really would. If we wanted to do anything, we would. I just don’t think we want it bad enough. Because when you value it, you find a way. When you don't, you find an excuse. Reflect.
  11. “’So her Lord accepted her well and made her grow up well, and put Zakariya in charge of her. Every time Zakariya entered her sanctuary, he found food by her. He asked, ‘Oh Maryam, How did you get this?’ She replied, ‘It is from Allah. Surely, Allah provides for whomever He wills without measure,” (Surah Aal Al-Imraan 3:37) Explanation: In this verse, the chosen woman Maryam (peace be upon her) teaches us all a very important lesson about Rizq (sustenance) and Tawakul (putting your trust in Allah). While her receiving this food was a miracle, it however teaches us to always remember that nothing is impossible for Allah and if we find ourselves in situations which it seems only a miracle can save us, then trust Allah and pray to Him for such a miracle. Look at the example of Prophet Zakariya (peace be upon him) who was old and childless when this incident happened. Yet when Maryam told him this, he went and made dua for a child and Allah provided him with a son, the Prophet Yahya (peace be upon him). We should have the same reaction when reading and hearing of such miraculous providing from the One who controls the universe, and immediately ask Him for things which no human can assist us with. Tawakul and understanding Allah’s attribute of being the provider can have the following benefits for us, among others: 1) It can protect us from depression and despair, and increases patience and hope 2) It can keep us optimistic and motivated in the most difficult of tests 3) It keeps us content with what we receive in sustenance after working hard, knowing full well that Allah provides for us what we need and will not test us with that which we can’t handle
  12. A wooden branch is limited in its uses. Presumably, it can be used for firewood or put to use as a cane or staff to lean on, or as something to point with. When found lying on the side of a road, one's curiosity would generally not be aroused by it, nor would one covet its possession. Yet, this lifeless piece of wood was previously a living branch to a breathing plant. It bore leaves, fruits and flowers and provided sustenance and shelter for those who sought shade under it. Being cut away from the tree rendered it hollow, lifeless and worthless. Such is Sin. Sin (ʿiṣyān), 'rebellion' and 'wilful sinfulness', originates from this same concept. Equally then, in your lives bear in mind that you are whole and your sins destroy this 'wholeness' and pollute your existence. Sincere repentance, however, brings you back from the brink of being a lifeless piece of wood, a description with which Allāh, the Most High, designates the hypocrites: كَأَنَّهُمْ خُشُبٌ مُّسَنَّدَةٌ “[The Hypocrites are] as if they were pieces of (dead) wood propped up.” –Sura Al-Munafiqun [63:4] In your life always aim to seek maximum benefit, even from precarious situations that may outwardly appear a complete loss and even from objects that others would overlook. Think outside the box and be industrious and remain open to new, innovative, possibilities.
  13. Three Types of Ṣabr: Ṣabr is of three types. 1. Ṣabr in the face of a calamity. Death of a loved one, car accident, loss of a job, muṣībah happens. How do we do ṣabr at that point in time? We act Islamically. We don't say what we shouldn't say. We don't move our hands and wail and cry. We act responsibly and sensibly. This is the first category of ṣabr. 2. Restrain ourselves from committing sins. If we see some alcohol and temptations come to drink it, some of us may have a problem with this, but they have ṣabr and control it. This ṣabr is generally more difficult than the first category because in the first category, you can't help it if you are in an accident and have to be patient. If somebody dies, what are you going to do? You are forced into it. In the second category, you have the will to do a sin, but ṣabr comes in and you restrain yourself. The highest category of ṣabr is: 3. Restrain yourself from permissible things and put yourself into worship of Allāh constantly. Allāh says, be extra patient as you worship Him. Praying five times a day is a sign of patience. Fasting is a sign of patience. Why? Because you are withholding and restraining yourself in order to do these good deeds.
  14. ‘O My slaves, I have prohibited Myself injustice; and have made oppression unlawful for you, so do not oppress one another. O My slaves, all of you are liable to err except the one whom I guide on the Right Path, so seek guidance from Me so that I will guide you to the Right Path. O My slaves, all of you are hungry except the one whom I feed, so ask food from Me, I will feed you. O My slaves, all of you are naked except those whom I clothe, so ask clothing of Me and I shall clothe you. O My slaves, you commit sins night and day and I forgive all sins, so seek My forgiveness and I shall forgive you. O My slaves, you can neither do Me any harm nor can you do Me any good. O My slaves, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and jinn of you to be as pious as the most pious heart of any man of you, that would not increase My domain a thing. O My slaves, were the first of you, and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to be as wicked as the most wicked heart of any man of you, that would not decrease My domain in a thing. O My slaves, were the first of you and the last of you, the human of you and the jinn of you to stand in one place and make a request of Me, and were I to give everyone what he requested, that would not decrease what I have, any more than a needle decrease the sea if put into it. O My slaves, it is but your deeds that I reckon for you and then recompense you for, so let him who finds good (i.e., in the Hereafter) praise Allah and let him who finds other than that blame no one but himself.”‘ [Muslim: 2577] On one hand, it makes you feel so little and so helpless that you start to doubt your own self. But on the other hand, it makes you feel so special because you’re a slave of the Almighty. Because He guides you, feeds you and clothes you. And He’s the One who forgives your sins every time you ask Him for forgiveness. So O [the one] whose sins increase with his age, and as his burdens (sins) increase, his istighfaar (seeking forgiveness) decreases; and O [the one] who is not appalled at what he sees and hears, when will you wake up? And when will you stand at the door of your Lord, the Almighty, the Forgiving, the Merciful? And this is what struck me most. After knowing all that about Allah, how can we still not knock at His door? How can we still be sleeping – sinning and only sinning, but not repenting? How can the signs of Allah – of what we hear and see – around us not stir anything inside of us? How can we be such losers – not willing to derive benefit from Allah’s Mercy? When will we wake up?
  15. Islam is not a religion of equality but of Justice! There are some people who speak of equality instead of justice, and this is a mistake. We should not say equality, because equality implies no differentiation between the two. Because of this unjust call for equality, they ask, “What is the difference between male and female?” So they have made men similar to women. The communists said, “What difference is there between the ruler and the subject? No one has any authority over anyone else.” Not even the father over his son?! So they said the father has no authority over his son and so on.Instead, if we say justice, which means giving each one what he or she is entitled, this misunderstanding no longer applies, and the word used is correct. Allah does not say in the Qur’an that He enjoins equality. He said (interpretation of the meaning): “Verily, Allah enjoins Al‘Adl (i.e. justice)” (Qur’an, 16:90) “And that when you judge between men, you judge with justice.” (Qur’an, 4:58) Those who say that Islam is the religion of equality are lying against Islam.Rather Islam is the religion of justice, which means treating equally those who are equal and differentiating between those who are different. No one who knows the religion of Islam would say that it is the religion of equality. Rather what shows you that this principle is false is the fact that most of what is mentioned in the Qur’an denies equality, as in the following verses: “Say: Are those who know equal to those who know not?” (Qur’an, 39:9) “Say: Is the blind equal to the one who sees? Or darkness equal to light?” (Qur’an, 13:16) “Not equal among you are those who spent and fought before the conquering (of Makkah, with those among you who did so later.” (Qur’an, 57:10) “Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home), except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame), and those who strive hard and fight in the Cause of Allah with their wealth and their lives.” (Qur’an, 4:95) Not one single letter in the Qur’an enjoins equality, rather it enjoins justice. You will also find that the word justice is acceptable to people, for I feel that if I am better than this man in terms of knowledge, or wealth, or piety, or in doing good, I would not like for him to be equal to me. Everyone knows that it is unacceptable if we say that the male is equal to the female.
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