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Darul uloom Deoband Ulema in Tamilnadu
AsSirAj replied to Umm Khadeejah's topic in General Islamic Discussions
what do you want know.? -
Darul uloom Deoband Ulema in Tamilnadu
AsSirAj replied to Umm Khadeejah's topic in General Islamic Discussions
go to there websites -
The Surma (Kohl) Discussion
AsSirAj replied to ColonelHardstone's topic in General Islamic Discussions
Haasimi.? -
10 Beautiful Qualities Of Muslim Women!
AsSirAj replied to AsSirAj's topic in General Islamic Articles
I got from my blog.. -
10 beautiful aspects of a Muslimah 1. Her Obedience to the Creator: A practicing Muslim man loves to have a practicing Muslim wife; who knows that the life of this world is nothing but a test from her Lord; giving her an opportunity to come closer and closer to Allah, doing more and more good deeds to please Him Azza wa jal, restricting herself from the desires of her inner self that go against the will of her Creator. But as for him who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires, and lusts. Verily, Paradise will be his abode. (Surah An- Naaziyaat: 40-41) 2. Her Haya (Modesty/Shyness): Haya is one of the most significant factors of a woman’s personality. Haya according to a believer's nature refers to a bad and uneasy feeling accompanied by embarrassment, caused by one's fear of being exposed or censured for some unworthy or indecent conduct.[1] Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said: "Haya comes from Eman; Eman leads to Paradise. Obscenity comes from antipathy; and antipathy leads to the fire." (Sahih Al-Bukhari) A Muslim woman feels shy to do anything that would displease her Lord in any aspect. She has haya in her talk, she has haya in her gaze, she has haya in her clothing, she has haya in her walk. Her haya in her talk is that she is not soft in her speech but speaks honorably. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning): “O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other women. If you keep your duty (to Allah), then be not soft in speech, lest he in whose heart is a disease (of hypocrisy, or evil desire for adultery) should be moved with desire, but speak in an honorable manner” (Surah Al-Ahzaab:32) Her haya in her gaze is that she does not look at what Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has prohibited for her to look. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning): And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts)… (Verse continues) (Surah An-Nur: 31) Her haya in her clothing is that she does not reveal to others what Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has forbidden for her to reveal. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning): ...And not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity to see the way or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms,) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or their husband's sons, or their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islâm), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigor, or small children who have no sense of the feminine sex.. (Verse Continues) (Surah An-Nur: 31) Her haya in her walk is that she walks modestly without attracting others attention towards herself. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning): . ..And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allâh to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful. (Surah An-Nur: 31) Abu Usayd al-Ansari narrated that he heard Allah’s Messenger Sallallahu alaihiwasallam say to the women on his way out of the mosque when he saw men and women mixing together on their way home: ‘Give way (i.e., walk to the sides) as it is not appropriate for you to walk in the middle of the road.’ Thereafter, women would walk so close to the wall that their dresses would get caught on it. (Narrated by Abu Dawood in "Kitab al-Adab min Sunanihi, Chapter: Mashyu an-Nisa Ma’ ar-Rijal fi at-Tariq) A woman who has the knowledge of Allah’s commandment to preserve her modesty, submitting herself to the will of her creator, even after having the desire to be praised for her beauty, is without doubt beloved to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala and as well as to all good believing men. 3. Her Beauty: Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala made women beautiful in the sight of men. It’s just that some human beings are more attracted towards some than others. Aishah RadhiyAllahu anha said: “I heard the Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam saying: ‘Souls are like conscripted soldiers; those whom they recognize, they get along with, and those whom they do not recognize, they will not get along with.’” (Sahih Al-Bukhari) Al-Qurtubi said: “Although they are all souls, they differ in different ways, so a person will feel an affinity with souls of one kind, and will get along with them because of the special quality that they have in common. So we notice that people of all types will get along with those with whom they share an affinity, and will keep away from those who are of other types. [This is like the old saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together”] For a believing man, a Muslim woman’s beauty is not just how her nose looks or how big her eyes are, but her modesty, purity of heart, and innocence make her look beautiful as well. Also Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala makes people whom He loves, pleasing to others. “When Allah loves someone he calls to Jibreel Alaihissalaam saying, ‘O Jibreel, I love such and such a person, so love him.’ Then Jibreel will call to the (angels) of the heavens, ‘Allah loves such and such a person so love him.’ And the angels will love [that person]. And then Allah will place the pleasure in the hearts of the people towards this person.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim) 4. Her Intellect/playfulness: Intellect and playfulness are two qualities of women highly liked by men. Every man likes to have an intelligent wife who can advise and support him in day to day matters. Khadija bint Khuwaylid RadhiyAllahu anha was one of the most beloved wives of Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). She supported Allah’s messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) at the very beginning of his Prophethood when Jibreel alaihissalaam brought the first revelation to him. Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) always admired her and remembered her even long after her death. A playful wife is a joy and pleasure to a man’s heart. Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam recommended Jabir bin 'Abdullah to marry a virgin so that the two could play with each other and amuse each other. Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: "My father died and left seven or nine girls and I married a matron. Allah's Apostle said to me, "O Jabir! Have you married?" I said, "Yes." He said, "A virgin or a matron?" I replied, "A matron." he said, "Why not a virgin, so that you might play with her and she with you, and you might amuse her and she amuse you." (Hadith continued) (Sahih Al- Bukhari) 5. Her Truthfulness: Being truthful and honest is an essential quality of a believer. ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ood RadhiyAllahu anh said: The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said: “I urge you to be truthful, for truthfulness leads to righteousness, and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man will continue to be truthful and seek to speak the truth until he is recorded with Allah as speaker of truth (Siddeeq). And beware of lying, for lying leads to immorality and immorality leads to Hell; a man will continue to tell lies until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim) A person who is known to lie repeatedly loses his trust. And if that happens in case of a marital relationship the whole relationship falls apart. A woman who is known to be a “Siddeeqah” certainly has a higher status in a Muslim man’s heart. 6. Her Obedience: Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala made man protector and maintainer of the woman and enjoined upon her to obey him in all the matters that do not go against Quran and Sunnah. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says (interpretation of the meaning): “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means” (Surah An-Nisa’: 34) The Messenger of Allah Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said, “The best women is she who when you look at her, she pleases you, when you command her she obeys you, and when you are absent, she protects her honor and your property.” (At-Tabarani, Ibn Majah) 7. Her Patience: Patience is a characteristic that can never be praised enough. A woman who remains patient at the times of hardship and relies on the help and mercy of Allah is without a doubt a beloved servant of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And Allah loves As-Saabiroon (the patient)” (Surah Aal Imran: 146) 8. Her Cooking: Delicious food is without a doubt weakness of men. It’s an old saying that “The Way to a Man's Heart is through his Stomach”. We also know that one of Prophet’s (Sallallahu alaihiwasallam) wives used to cook food that he liked a lot and due to that Aishah radhiyAllahu anha would get jealous, because she didn’t know how to cook that. 9. Her Contentment with Rizq: No man likes to have a woman who is always complaining about how less her husband earns or how rich her other friends are. A good Muslimah is the one who thank Allah for what He has blessed her with and she is thankful to her husband for what he provides her with. Abu Hurairah RadhiyAllahu anh reported: The Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said, "Richness is not the abundance of wealth, rather it is self-sufficiency.'' (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim) 10. Good Manners: A woman of good manners is a blessing from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. When she speaks, she speaks honorably, why she deals with others she deals with them kindly. She is polite with elders, loving to children, and good to her fellow folks. It is related by 'Abdullah bin Amr that the Prophet Sallallahu alaihiwasallam said: "The best of you are those who possess the best of manners." (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Once there was a very handsome, pious, well educated young man, whose parents emphasised for him to get married. they had seen so many marriage proposals, and he had turned them all down. The parents thought it was becoming a little ridiculous or suspected that he may have someone else in mind. However every time the parents left the girls house, the young man would always say "She's not the one!" The young man only wanted a girl who was religious and practicing. (Which was hard to find)? However one evening his mother arranged for him, to meet a girl, who was religious, and practicing. On that evening, the young man, and girl, were left to talk, and ask each other questions. (As one would expect). The young man, being a gentleman that he was allowed, the lady to ask first. The young girl asked the young man soooo many questions. She asked about his life, his education, his friends, his family , his habits, his hobbies, his lifestyle, his enjoyment, his pastime, his experiences. Basically everything. And the young man replied to all of her questions, without tiring, and politely, with a smile the young girl took up nearly all of the time, over an hour, and felt bad, and asked the young man, "Do you have any questions?" The young man said, "It's okay. I only have 3 questions." The young girl thought, "Wow, only 3 questions. Okay, shoot." The young man's first question was: 1) Who do you love the most in the world, someone who's love nothing would ever overcome? She said, "This is an easy question. my mother." He smiled. The second question he asked was: 2) "You said that you read a lot of Qur'an, could you tell me which surahs you know the meaning of?" Hearing this she went red and embarrassed and said, "I do not know the meaning of any yet, but i am hoping to soon. InshAllah. I've just been a bit busy." The third question the young man asked was: 3) I have been approached for my hand in marriage, by girls that are prettier than you, why should I marry you? Hearing this the young girl was outraged. She stormed off to her parents with fury and said, "I do not want to marry this man. He is insulting my beauty and intelligence." And the young man and his parents, were once again, left without an agreement of marriage. This time, the young man's parents were really angry, and said, "What did you do to anger that girl? The family were so nice and pleasant and they were religious like you wanted. What did you ask the girl?? Tell us! " The young man said," Firstly, I asked her, 'Who do you love the most?' She said her mother." The parents said "So, what is wrong with that??" The young man said, "No one, is Muslim, until he loves Allah, and his Messenger(SAW) more than anyone else in the world.If a woman loves Allah and the Prophet (Allah bless him and grant him peace) more than anyone, she will love me and respect me, and stay faithful to me, because of that love, and fear for Allah (swt). And we can share this love, because this love is greater than lust for beauty." The young man said, "Then I asked, 'You read a lot of Qur'an, can you tell me the meaning of any surah?' She said 'No. because I haven't had time yet.' So I thought of that hadith "ALL humans, are dead except for those who have knowledge." She has lived 20 years and not found ANY time, to seek knowledge, why would I marry a woman, who does not know her rights, and responsibilities, and what will she teach my children, except how to be negligent, because the woman IS the madrasa (school) and the best of teachers. And a woman who has no time for Allah, will not have time for her husband." The third question I asked her was that a lot of girls prettier than her, had approached me for marriage. Why should I choose her? That is why she stormed off, getting angry. The young man's parents said "That is a horrible thing to say, why would you do such a thing? We are going back there to apologise." The young man said. "I said this on purpose, to test whether she could control her anger. The Prophet(SAW) said "Do not get angry, do not get angry, do not angry" when asked how to become pious because anger is from Satan. If a woman cannot control her anger with a stranger she has just met, do you think she will be able to control it with her husband?" So, the moral of this story is that a marriage is based on knowledge, not looks, practice, not preaching, forgiveness, not anger spiritual love, not lust and compromise One should look for a person who 1) Has love for Allah (SWT) and the Messenger (SAW). 2) Has knowledge of the deen, and can act upon it. 3) can control anger and another important and crucial factor: that she be 4) willing to compromise. *And it goes both ways, so women seeking a man, should look for the same things. * -From an email
Dates palm contain many health benefits for the human body includes the following: 1. Consuming 100 grams of date fruits can lower blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting the absorption of fat or cholesterol in the large intestine so that blood cholesterol levels decreased Healthy Eating Food 2. Potassium helps the heart in the palm to work on a regular basis, activates muscle contraction and helps regulate blood pressure, and this is very good for helping people with hypertension because of the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels with a good work that is not easily broken 3. Glucose as a type of simple sugar found in the body, and fructose sugars found in most fruits and both sugars are not harmful to health because of the natural processed in the body, and fructose is easily digested and processed in the body to produce energy 4. Vitamin A and Niacin assist in forming and maintaining the skin to stay healthy 5. Riboflavin and Niacin helps process food into energy needed to perform various activities 6. High tannin that content of dates works medicinally as cleaning agents in the body 7. Thiamine in date fruit helps release energy from carbohydrates and also important for nerve cells, while niacin maintain normal nerve function 8. Potuchin in dates fruit make contractions in blood vessels in the uterus and muscles of the uterus, thus preventing bleeding if given to women who had given birth. 9. Salicylate in date fruits serve to reduce and relieve pain or fever, as well as anti-inflammatory and anti pain and prevent blood clotting 10. Consume dates fruit on a regular basis e.g. a few date fruit every day can calm nerve cells through its influence on thyroid psychological condition that makes someone a better
When one is lazy regarding acts of worship when alone but when others are around, one finds it easier to perform good deeds. Increasing good deeds when one is praised for them. Fear of criticism regarding religious practises Perform acts of worship because fears and feels that others will look down on him if he doesn’t perform it. Cure for Riyaa 1) Make good intentions 2) Dua (Supplication) The Prophet (pbuh) taught the specific dua for riyaa: “Allahumma inna na-oothu bika an-nushrika bika shay’an na’lamuhu, wa nastagfiruka limaa laa na’lamuh.” “O Allah, we seek refuge in you from committing shirk knowingly, and ask your forgiveness for (the shirk that we may commit unknowingly)”. 3) Reflecting upon Heaven and Hell 4) Hiding one’s good deeds 5) Reflection upon oneself’s shortcomings 6) Accompanying the pious 7. Be content with your acts of worship
Not many people know that soursop fruit (Anoda in Sinhala) (also part of the soursop tree, ie leaves) keep hidden strength to fight cancer effectively than with treatment using medicines and chemo therapy. Unfortunately, the good news is covered up by one of world company who conduct research and wants research funding plus generous benefits go to the company, before the pharmaceutical raw materials from soursop fruit thrown into the world market. Apart from soursop fruit, there are many other fruits that have a great benefits for health. All fruits are also consumed it easier and more comfortable with processed into healthy fruit juice. 10 Fruit Juices for Beneficial to Health 10. Avocado juice Avocado juice for health benefits include: · elps formation of red blood cells · Preventing anemia · For pregnant women, folic acid content of avocados can stimulate brain development and the formation of the spinal cord. · Controlling the bad fats (LDL cholesterol) and raise the good fats (HDL cholesterol) · Prevent stroke. · Anti-wrinkle and ageless. etc. 09. Tomato juice Tomato juice for health benefits are: · High antioxidant useful to defend the body from free radicals. · Content of lyopene in tomatoes could prevent prostate cancer. · To maintain ideal body weight for those who are dieting to lose weight and may increase appetite for those who are raising the weight as well as in the recovery phase after illness. · Preventing constipation. · Glycogen levels can stabilize liver function, etc. 08. Apple juice One apple a day could save your life, this phrase seems to be true, the content of apples is very useful for health, including: · Content of quercetin in apples may as anticancer and anti-inflammatory. · Content of pectin can help remove dirt buildup in the gut for so long. · Can lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar levels. · Can reduce appetite. · Can treat headaches, etc. 07. Strawberry juice Strawberry juice for health benefits are: · Contain ellagic acid, which act as antioxidants to counteract free radicals that enter the body. · Can inhibit tumor cell growth in lung, breast, cervix. · Can cleanse the body’s digestive system. · Controlling cholesterol levels. · Can reduce pain in joints, etc. 06. Guava juice Benefits contained in guava juice include: · Can reduce cholesterol in the blood and lowers blood pressure. · Can prevent thrush. · Able to lose weight. · Content of vitamin C in guava juice can relieve colds and coughs. · Content astrigent can cure diarrhea. · Can prevent bone loss in, etc. 05. Kiwi fruit juice Kiwi juice for health benefits include: · Rich in vitamin C is useful for protecting the body from cancer cells. · Rich in fiber can reduce constipation. · Content of potassium helps regulate blood pressure. · To prevent infection, premature aging. · Very good for those who suffer from heart disease. · Relieve cold and flu, etc. 04. Mango juice Mango juice for health benefits include: · Can be as a disinfectant to cleanse the body and blood in the body. · Rich in caretenoid that can mencegahh colon cancer and cervical cancer bone. · Can rejuvenate the body’s cells. · Can prevent body odor caused by bacteria, etc. 03. Noni juice Although it tastes pretty bad, but noni juice or noni fruit dutch is very beneficial to health, including: · Can boost the immune system. · Can normalize / reduce blood pressure. · Be able to fight tumors and cancer cells. · Contains scopoletin which functions as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic. · Very useful for the disease: hypertension, stroke, diabetes, migraine, vertigo, vaginal discharge, painful joints, etc. 02. Pomegranate juice Pomegranate juice for health benefits: · Substances tannins can anesthetize roundworms, pinworms and tapeworms in the intestines and release it with feces. · Rich in vitamins A, C, E and folic acid good for pregnancy. · Rich in antioxidants that help prevent blockages in the arteries caused by cholesterol. · Prevent the occurrence of prostate cancer, etc. 01. Soursop juice A study published by The Journal of Natural Products mentioned that the soursop fruit as the “miracle fruit” that is very nutritious for health, including: · Can effectively pick and choose the target bad cells from 12 different types of cancer, namely breast cancer, prostate, lung, colon, pancreas. · Working 10 thousand times more powerful to postpone cell growth cancer than drug (andriamicin) or chemo therapy.
Does Zamzam water have a special advantage that makes it different from water? Yes, Zamzam water has a special physique that makes it advantageous water. This fact has been proved by a group of Pakistani researches. The Haj research center also conducted special researches about Zamzam water and it found that it has a wonderful physique that makes it different from other drinkable liquids. Mr. Sami Angaur the manager f the Haj research center told me that when they were digging for more wells of Zamzam they found the more they take from the well the more the amount of water becomes. They also examined the extent of its purity and they found that it is pure and sterile water that has no any germs in it. The prophet Mohammed [PBUH] said, “The water of Zamzam fulfils the purpose for which it has been drunk”. [Refer to Misnad Ahmed]. A man from Yemen was fond of reading Quran from a small Mushaf. As he becomes old he found that he couldn’t read Quran easily from that book because his sight is becoming weak. He heard about the water of Zamzam and its advantage of fulfilling the purpose for which it has been drunk. He came to Haj and he drank from Zamzam. He started reading from that small Mushaf of Quran easily and without any sight problems. He achieved what he wanted because he was confident of that and has deep faith in the saying of the prophet [PBUH], “The water of Zamzam fulfils the purpose for which it has deep drunk” He was also confident and has deep belief in the Quranic sign in which Allah says, “When my servants ask thee concerning me, I am indeed close (to them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he collect on me, let them also with a will listen to my call, and believe in Me. That may walk in the right way”. [2:186] Source: “You ask about the scientific miracles of Quran an Sunna and Shaikh Zindani answers” By Shaikh Abdel Majeed El Zindani. Yusria Abdel-Rahman Haraz from the crimson Alcer in eye after she consumed Zamzam water. She said that she was affected by a crimson alcer in eye. It affect her by a severe headache which cannot be cured by tablets. She was about to become blind in the affected eye. She went to a famous doctor who suggested to give her an injection which will stop the headache but it will also dysfunction the affected eye and consequently she will loose the sight in the affected eye. Mrs. Yusria got frightened but she confident of the mercy of Allah. The almighty and that he would cure her. She thought of performing Omra so that to supplicate to Allah to cure her. She come to Makka and performed Tawaf, there were not many people and the place areas not crowded, therefore, she could be with the Zamzam water for long time. She washed her eyes. When she came back to the hotel she found that her affected eyes was cured and the crimson alcer disappeared. This event proves that it is a confirmation of the Hadeeth which says, “Zamzam water fulfils the purpose for which it has been drunk, if you drink it for getting cured Allah cures you, if you drink it for stomach satisfaction Allah will satisfy you and if you drink it for quenching thirst Allah will quench your thirst.” [Refer to El-Dar Gatni and El-Hukm and Zad] There are many of such events, which proves the truth of what prophet Mohammed [PBUH] said and the holy nature of Zamzam water. Dr. Farooque Antar tells his own story. He says that he has been affected by a stone in his uriter and the doctor could nit remove or destroy it without a surgical operation. But he postponed the operation two times. Meanwhile he performed Omra and supplicated to Allah to cure him without undergoing operation. He drank from Zamzam water and prayed two Rakaat. Then he felt a benching in his uriter and hurried up to the toil and by the grace of Allah he saw the uniracle. The stone came out and he was cured without undergoing a surgical operation. The doctors who were treating Dr. Farooque were surprised for this godly treatment. Source: “Scientific Miracles in Islam & Sunna Nabawiyya” By, Mohammed Kamil Abdel Samad.
By Karima Burns An English proverb points out, "Some men walk through the forest yet see no firewood." As Muslims, we should be careful of falling into this proverbial truth. Muslims often seek outside help to lose weight, although the Qur'an and Hadith provide guidance on many ways through which we can combat being overweight. They include periodic cleansings, eating simple and whole foods and herbs, avoiding excess, drinking plenty of water, praying and seeking guidance from Allah, seeking the help of others, and being persistent and patient. Ramadan is a time for physical cleansing as well as spiritual cleansing. A prophetic tradition (Hadith) states, "Fast the month of Ramadan so to heal your bodies from disease." If we strive to eat only pure, simple and light foods during Ramadan, we can undergo a physical as well as a spiritual cleansing. Since there is such a strong scientifically proven correlation between our spiritual, mental and physical health, to purify all systems at the same time provides the ultimate and most powerful detoxification fast that we have available today. To eat purely means to eat the whole, unprocessed and pure foods that Allah has provided us such as whole wheat breads, grains, beans, vegetables and fresh fruits. These are perfect foods and we do not need to improve them with colors, chemicals and preservatives. The Qur'an (5:4) says, " They ask thee what is lawful to them as food. Say, 'Lawful unto you are all things good and pure.'" And (50:7), "And the earth we have spread out, and we have set firm mountains on it, and have made every kind of beautiful growth to grow on it." The Qur'an also says (7:31),"Eat and drink, but waste not by excess for God loves not the prodigals." Prophet Muhammad (SAW) emphasized this in Hadith when he mentioned that, "The stomach is the home of disease, and abstinence the head of every remedy. So make this your custom." It is easy to eat in excess since foods once reserved for royalty are now readily available in every supermarket. However, there is a hidden cost to excess consumption that keeps them expensive. Livestock pay this hidden cost by being injected with hormones and chemicals to increase the production of meat, cheese, milk and cream. The earth pays an even higher price when we consider the amount of grain and water used to raise the excess number of cattle for meat consumption. Eating breakfast is also an important part of weight loss as it speeds metabolism of the body. The Hadith say, "Eat your meal at dawn, for there is blessing in the meal at dawn," and, "There is blessing in three things: the early morning meal, bread and soup." Also, we must not ignore the benefits of the many herbs that Allah has provided us. Sahih Bukhari relates that, "For every malady Allah created, He also created its cure. Whoever acquires such knowledge shall benefit from it, and one who ignores it will forgo such benefit." Another gift that Allah has given us in the battle against excess weight is water. The Qur'an says (15:45), "The righteous will be amid gardens and fountains of clear-flowing water," and (21:30), " We made water essential for all life." Muslims wanting to lose weight would benefit by drinking ten glasses of water a day, at least one half hour before and after meals. As well as their spiritual benefits, the five prescribed daily prayers also provide physical toning benefits to the body. And patience is often the greatest test we face when we decide to lose weight. However, the Qur'an says (2:155), "Give glad tidings to those who exercise patience when struck with adversity and say, 'Indeed, we belong to God, and to Him is our return.' Such ones receive blessings and mercy from their Lord, and such are the guided ones." Lastly, we cannot forget the power of prayer and support from others. The Qur'an says (26:80), "... And when I sicken, then He (Allah) heals me." Abu Hurairah relates, "Allah never inflicts a disease unless he makes a cure for it." Weight gain is often caused by excess, and the weakness of one or more organs of the body. A Hadith even says, "The origin of every disease is cold. So eat when you desire and refrain when you desire." Many people have lost weight simply by warming up their bodies with herbs and warm foods, and reducing heavier, colder foods and those that clog and chill the system. "Oh, Lord! Advance me in knowledge..." The Qur'an says, and the Prophet has stated, that we should, "Seek knowledge, even in China." Along these lines, we can also obtain wisdom from people all around the world in the subject of weight loss. Utilizing the support of programs such as Weight Watchers or information provided in magazines can be beneficial - as long as we turn to the Qur'an as our ultimate inspiration
Dua of the Day: Dua: اللهم حبب إلينا الإيمان وزينه في قلوبنا، و كره إلينا الكفر و الفسوق و العصيان، و اجعلنا من الراشدين Transliteration: Allahumma habbib ilayna al-imaan wa zayyinhu fee quloobina, wa karrih ilayna al kufr wa al-fusooq wa al-esyaaan, wajalna min al rashideen. Translation: O Allah make Iman beloved to us and beautify it in our hearts, and make us hate Disbelief, immorality, and Sinning and Make us amongst those who are rightly guided.