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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2024 in all areas

  1. Brother CH Is there any chance the other 3 madhaahib rulings can be checked by someone? If they are all correct then we can double check and edit the hanafi ruling and still keep the topic. I like the way its doen with the diffenrences all in one place
    1 point
  2. Wa'alaykumu salaam warahmatullah I just saw this thread! Sorry been quite inactive of the forums I was so happy to see the chart...though an image or PDF would be better But after bint Aisha's question maybe not a good idea to post it. I dont have time to go through all of it but: @Bint e Aisha First example: Reading the Qur'an (without direct touch) - impermissible in menses and post-natal Second example: Menstrual spotting within the purity period is Considered istiḥāḍah, not menstruation - any coloured spotting during purity will be istihadhah. So its correct but I think the word "menstrual spotting" can cause confusion Third example: After reaching menopause (usually 55 years), any bleeding is considered istiḥāḍah. No bashing inshaa-allaah : ) You are correct. After reaching 55 lunar years age if a woman sees blood which is black or red or another colour which she used to see before menopaye AND it reaches the menstrual minimum then yes, it will be menstruation
    1 point
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