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  1. The origin of the word Bak Bak (بك بك) --------- In Urdu, whenever someone is babbling around (talking foolishly), we say in Urdu to him: "bak bak na karo" (i.e. do not talk foolishly and in vain). This is normally used as a slang but it is interesting to note that a similar expression is used in the classical Arabic language. The famous companion of the Prophet SAW, 'Abd Allah bin 'Umar RA once said to the famous governor Hajjaj bin Yusuf, who was known for his tyranny and transgression when he extended the Khutbah of Jumuah to the extent that the time for prayer was about to pass: إنما نجيء للصلاة فصلِّ الصلاة لوقتها، ثم بقبق بعد ذلك ما شئت من بقبقة. أخرجه ابن سعد في الطبقات (4/149). "We only come to pray, so perform the prayer at its appointed time, then baq baq after that whatever baq baq you want to do." ~Smile Originally posted by Mugheerah Luqman
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