Q. If someone reads full salaah instead of short salaah on travel, should they make qadha of those salaah?
(Question published as received)
A. If a person performs the complete 4 Rakaats Fardh Salaah instead of 2 Rakaats on a journey, mistakenly or due to miscalculation of the distance of travel etc., the Salaah performed will be valid.
However, if the Salaah time remains and a person is made aware of his/her mistake, it will be necessary to repeat the Salaah during the Salaah time. If the Salaah time expires, it will not be necessary to repeat it.
On the other hand, if a person performs the complete 4 Rakaats Fardh Salaah instead of the 2 Rakaats Fardh Salaah on a journey knowingly and intentionally, it will be necessary to repeat all such Salaah performed in this way. (Al Bahrur-Raaiq 2/141 – Khairul Fataawa 2/681-682)
And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
(The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Islamic rulings on this Q&A newsletter are answered in accordance to the Hanafi Fiqh unless otherwise stated.)
Fatwa Department Jamiatul Ulama (KZN) Council of Muslim Theologians